

111 bytes added, 10:00, 27 April 2013
/* Home remedies */
* [[Boswellia]] blox the enzyme enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase or 5-LOX responsable for inflammatory diseases like arthritis.
* [[Cayenne]] peppers give off heat that seems to have a warming effect to almost all parts of the human body. It also promotes better blood circulation, allowing nutrient-rich blood to go to the joints that are inflamed and promoting better healing. The heat also helps relieve pain in arthritis and can even help with low back pain. Aside from that, cayenne also has salicylates, very much like those found in aspirin, which promotes a pain-numbing effect. It also decreases substance P concentration. Substance P is a chemical that is utilized by our nerve cells in order to transmit pain messages. If pain messages are not transmitted, the sensation of pain will not be interpreted thus, pain will not be perceived.
* [[Ginger]] tea and ginger compress may relief signs and symptoms of arthritis. Ginger contains the chemical gingerol. Gingerol has been found to reduce inflammation and block pain pathways.
* [[ginseng]] : make use of the American ginseng and not Asian ginseng. Asian ginseng may actually exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Ginseng has ginsenodises – compounds that have various pharmacological effects which encompasses arthritis symptom relief.
* [[Licorice]] acts similar to cortisone – without the side effects. Cortisone has been known to reduce inflammatory processes by decreasing swelling and pain. However, it has also been known to suppress the function of the immune system, making the one receiving it more prone to sickness. With licorice, you get the same anti-inflammatory effect minus the immune system suppression. But consult a professional herbalist before you decide to take licorice on a long-term basis. Long-term use may increase one’s blood pressure levels.