
Acid/alkaline balance

180 bytes removed, 06:01, 3 May 2013
/* The benefits of Acid/alkaline are */
**Coffee, soda, beer, wine and distilled spirits are all highly acidic.
**Furthermore, your body releases a virtual tidal wave of acid to digest certain foods, including meat, eggs, milk, white flour, and sugar.
*Even so-called healthy foods seriously spike acid levels in your cells:
**Wheat germ
**Navy and pinto beans
**Brown rice
**Many types of fish
*The modern world inundates your body with even more acid. Acid rain, polluted drinking water, and contaminated air—all of these upset your alkaline/acid ratio. Modern medicines and prescription drugs are also notorious for generating acid in the body.
*Most grains are acid-forming, except millet and buckwheat, which are considered to be alkaline. Sprouted seeds and grains become more alkaline in the process of sprouting.