
Erythrina Variegata

870 bytes added, 08:11, 31 January 2014
/* Benefits and uses of Erythrina Variegata are */
==Benefits and uses of Erythrina Variegata are==
It is vata and kapha modulator. It is anti inflammatory and pain reliever in action. It helps in supporting the nervous system. It is a good appetizer and is very effective in condition like worm infestation. It also stimulates liver to secrets the proper amount of bile. It dilates the blood vessels. It works as expectorant. It is a good aphrodisiac agent and also controls menstrual problems. It is also helpful in skin related problems due to its cooling effect.
* Discharge from ears
*Loss of appetite
*Blood related disorders
*Menstrual disturbances
*Erectile dysfunction
*Skin related diseases
==Ayurvedic Properties ==
* Gunna (properties)- laghu (light)
* Rasa (taste) &ndash; katu (pungent), tickta (bitter)
* Virya (potency) &ndash; ushan (hot)
== References ==
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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