

229 bytes added, 12:19, 15 February 2014
/* Home remedies */
* [[Green Tea]] polyphenols actively suppress many bacterial, fungal and viral species. Taking [[Green Tea]]-derived theanine and antioxidants in supplement form may help prevent the flu
* Allicin in [[garlic]] has been proven to have antibacterial and antiviral benefits. Additionally, garlic has anti-inflammatory benefits, which can help in relieving airway inflammations that are also connected to some of the signs and symptoms of the disease.
* [[Quercetin]] : A study, published by The American Physiological Society found that mice were significantly less likely to contract flu when given quercetin, a powerful anti-oxidant found in a variety of fruits and vegetables.
* medicinal mushrooms, such as the [[Shiitake]] and the [[Reishi]] mushrooms can help in boosting the immune system, thereby preventing the development of colds or flu.
* [[Black pepper]] combined with tamarind, boil them with water and butter and ingesting the concoction to help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. Another way is by mixing lemon juice, honey and black pepper and taking the mixture three times a day for one day to help starve cold.
Bureaucrat, administrator