

0 bytes added, 05:17, 18 April 2014
/* The benefits of Ghee are */
**Healthy Immune System : Research shows that adequate production of butyric acid supports the production of killer T cells in the gut, and thus a strong immune system.
**Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer : Researchers are using oral butyrate supplements and butyrate enemas to treat inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.
**Nutritionally Rich Like Coconut Oil : Ghee is rich in medium chain fatty acids which are absorbed directly to the liver (like carbs) and burnt as energy. Athletes can use ghee as a consistent energy source.
**Weight Loss : The energy from these medium chain fatty acids can be used to burn other fats in the system and lose weight.
Ayurvedic physicians have been using ghee enemas for centuries to decrease inflammation.
**Whole body healing - Ayurvedic practitioners use the golden elixir for everything from rejuvenating skin to aiding digestion to balancing hormones.
**Flexibility - Dr. Vasant Lad, founder and director of the Ayurvedic Institute, explains ghee's popularity among yogis by stating that it lubricates connective tissues and makes the body more flexible.
**Nutritionally Rich Like Coconut Oil : Ghee is rich in medium chain fatty acids which are absorbed directly to the liver (like carbs) and burnt as energy. Athletes can use ghee as a consistent energy source.
**Enhances your essence - As reported by Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, ghee boosts ojas, the underlying essence of body issues; this leads to an increased immune system and greater longevity.
**Increases agni - In Ayurveda, proper digestion revolves around agni, the body's digestive fire. Consuming ghee boosts one's agni, leading to better digestion and faster metabolism.
**Weight Loss : The energy from these medium chain fatty acids can be used to burn other fats in the system and lose weight.
==Ghee recipe==
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