
Jue Ming Zi

441 bytes added, 16:01, 10 May 2014
/* Special Precautions of Jue Ming Zi */
Other Names : 決明子, Semen Cassiae, Cassia Seeds, Fetid Cassia Seeds, Sickle Senna Seed
==Special Precautions of Jue Ming Zi==
* Do not use for patients with diarrhea from Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Cold.
* Do not use for patients with hypotension.
* Use with caution during pregnancy as it stimulates the uterus.
* Do not use with Sm. Cannabis [[Huo Ma Ren]].
* Concurrent use with diuretics such as chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, furmoside (Lasix), bumetinide (Bumex) and torsemide (Demadex) may lead to increased elimination of water and/or electrolytes.
==Health Benefits and uses of Jue Ming Zi are==
* Clears the Liver (Heat), clears the vision and benefits the eyes (Expels Wind-Heat)
Bureaucrat, administrator