
Parkinson's Disease (PD)

436 bytes added, 05:23, 13 July 2014
/* Home remedies */
*Plenty of nuts, grains and sprouts should be included in the diet. Avoid tea, coffee, chocolate and too much spice in food items.
* [[Anti-inflammatory]] herbs such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, and rosemary among others should be used at every possible chance.
* [[Cinnamon]] : Researchers fed ground cinnamon to mice with Parkinson's disease. They found that, when the cinnamon reached the gut, it was broken down into various metabolites including sodium benzoate, a widely used food preservative. The sodium benzoate then entered the mice's brains, where it prevented the loss of Parkin and DJ-1, stopped neuron death and caused neurotransmitters including dopamine to return to normal levels.
*Take about 20 grams of larkspur in 4 cups of boiling water, drink the decoction a mouthful at a time. Avoid drinking more than 3 cups a day.
* coconut and palm kernel oils naturally contained MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Metabolizing MCTs creates ketones. Recent research has shown that ketones help protect against [[Alzheimer's Disease]], Parkinson's Disease (PD), LS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Huntington's disease, Drug resistant epilepsy, [[Diabetes]]
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