

92 bytes added, 07:56, 6 September 2014
/* Special Precautions of Yucca */
==Special Precautions of Yucca==
* There's some concern that yucca may trigger a number of side effects (including nausea).
*Yucca Root is generally accepted as safe based on its long history of use as a food. Side effects may include loose stools or diarrhea if Yucca Root is taken in higher than recommended amounts.
*Safety in young children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.
*Because Yucca Root may contain estrogen-like results, it should not be used by women with breast cancer. Utilizing this extract consecutively for more than three months is not recommended as it may interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
==The benefits of Yucca are==
Yucca Root was used by Native Americans as a stimulating tonic. As a poultice, yucca root was used on skin diseases, inflammations, sores, and to stop bleeding. The root was pounded and put in water in order to stupefy corralled fish so they would float to the surface for easy harvest. Yucca root contains steroid saponins, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, and B-complex. It is an effective anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, laxative, and alternative.
Bureaucrat, administrator