
Acid Reflux Disease (GERD)

8 bytes added, 09:43, 2 January 2017
/* Home remedies */
* [[Calcium]] makes the LES tighten. This helps keep stomach acid where it belongs. But we don’t recommend taking a supplement. It needs to come from whole food sources and get absorbed in the stomach to be effective. Try adding some to your diet to keep your LES working the right way. But don’t depend on milk. You can do better than that. Sardines, salmon, kale, and plain yogurt are great sources of calcium… And they aren’t as inflammatory.
* Taking to 1 teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda in the late afternoon will also stimulate the production of more hydrochloric acid.
* table salt [[Table Salt]] : Since HCL HCl and sodium bicarbonate are made from salt, low salt diets and processed-demineralized table salts drive the body into acidosis while starving the stomach of what it needs.
* [[Apples]] produce an alkaline, or non-acidic, environment in the stomach so that excess acids are counterbalanced and digestion can function normally.
* [[Manuka Honey]] : it'antibacterial nature appears to have effects on internal problems such as: Acid reflux, Infections in the stomach and digestive tract, Ulcers (both in the stomach and peptic), [[Diarrhea]].
* Unrefined, organic honey is very soothing and may reduce burning pains. Honey helps adjust the body's pH, neutralizing stomach acids almost immediately. A spoonful of honey at bedtime will promote an easier, symptom-free sleep.
* Try a tablespoon of baking soda [[Baking Soda]] in a half cup water — not tasty but effective.
* [[Meadowsweet]] seems to be an effective stomachic, which is used in the treatment of [[gastritis]], [[heartburn]], hyperacidity, and [[Peptic Ulcers]].
*[[Calendula]] Tea soothes inflamed tissue and reduces inflammation.
Bureaucrat, administrator