

277 bytes added, 13:28, 12 October 2019
/* Home remedies */
* Within Ayurveda, there's a special relationship between the skin and kidneys since the excretion of watery wastes is primarily the function of these two organs. Proper balance of urine and perspiration are related to pitta, and psoriasis is considered to be an example of a disease resulting from an imbalance of perspiration and urine in the body.
*Foods rich in antioxidants are helpful in the repair of damaged tissues of the body, such as the skin. The normal cell process causes the release of free radicals during oxidation. When free radicals are released by the cells, it attacks and damages other healthy cells. By having a balance of oxidants-antioxidants in the body, it can protect healthy cells, such as the skin in persons with psoriasis. Plant foods, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants. By increasing the amount of these foods, the symptoms of psoriasis are somehow controlled.
* [[Common Fumitory]] : Fumitory is used as a cure for psoriasis, eczema, rash, acne, milk crust and scabies. This application was taken up in conventional medicine and led to the use of synthetic esters of fumaric acid in the (under medical supervision) therapy of psoriasis.
* [[Potassium]] : When we eat a lot of potassium-rich foods (Plant-based diets) our adrenal glands secrete more glucocorticoids to keep our potassium levels in check, which may have the side effect of decreasing the level of inflammation in the body.
*Make use of herbs ([[Gotu Kola]] and [[Milk Thistle]]) : In India, China and Indonesia, Gotu kola is being used as a medicinal herb to treat several skin conditions such as psoriasis. The plant contains a chemical called triterpenoids. According to studies, triterpenoids can help strengthen the skin, increase the supply of blood to the area where it is applied and increase the amount of antioxidants in the lesions. By applying directly onto the skin, symptoms of psoriasis are diminished. Another type of herb, Milk thistle, is useful in lowering symptoms of psoriasis. Although ingested, milk thistle contains the compound silymarin, which does not just help in the repair of liver cells, but is also advantageous in the repair of skin cells which was damaged because of psoriasis.
Bureaucrat, administrator