
Indian Tobacco

313 bytes added, 06:20, 13 October 2019
/* Special Precautions of Lobelia */
Other Names : Lobelia inflata, Lobelia, pukeweed, Indian tobacco, gagroot, asthma weed, vomitwort, bladderpod, rapuntium inflatum, Bladderpod, Emetic Herb, Gagroot, Herbe à Asthme, Lobélie, Lobélie Brûlante, Lobélie Enflée, Lobélie Gonflée, Tabac Indien, Vomit Wort, Wild Tobacco.<br> Lobelia is found in drier areas of America and Canada. The above ground parts are used to make medicine.
==Special Precautions of Lobelia==
* In excessive doses the effects are those of apowerful acro-narcotic poison, producing great depression, nausea, cold-sweats, and possibly death. (Herbalists also deny that it has poisonous properties and that it has ever caused death.) Poisonous symptoms may occur from absorption of it through the epidermis.
*It is vital to note that this herb can have risks that outweigh its benefits and has been known to cause vomiting, dizziness, hypothermia, convulsions and even death.
* Lobelia is considered UNSAFE for most people when taken by mouth. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, dizziness, tremors, and more serious effects.
*Heart disease: Lobelia seems to affect the heart. Larger doses cause more of an effect.
* Lithium interacts with LOBELIA
==The benefits of Lobelia are==
Expectorant, diaphoretic, anti-asthmatic. It should not be employed as an emetic.
Bureaucrat, administrator