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* ''http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02865000#page-1''
* ''http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02865000#page-1''
* ''https://ayurvedicoils.com/tag/civettictis-civetta''
* ''https://ayurvedicoils.com/tag/civettictis-civetta''
* ''The Georgian Menagerie: Exotic Animals in Eighteenth-Century London By Christopher Plumb''

Revision as of 03:54, 17 October 2021

Other Names: Civettictis civetta, Viverra zibetha, Civet Oil . The oil of Civet is secreted by the African Civet, scientifically called as Civettictis civetta and by the Civets that are of Indian, Indonesian, Chinese and Malaysian origin, known as Viverricula indica and Viverra zibetha.
The oil of Civet is extracted from the musk or glandular secretion by the castoreum sacs (perineal glands near the testicles of the Civet cats) that enclose the awe-inspiring fragrance in them. Civets are medium built-up carnivorous animals and are members of the Viverridae family along with mongooses, genets and linsangs.

Special Precautions of Civet

Extraction of the natural essence requires hurting animals.

Health Benefits and uses of Civet are

Formerly it was highly esteemed as a stimulant and antispasmodic medicine, but castor and musk, also animal secretions, have taken its place, and its use is now confined to the manufacture of perfumery.Civet oil strengthens the Head, Brain, Heart and Spirits wonderfully,” quotes the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis (the New London Dispensatory) by William Salmon in the year 1678. Besides the mesmerizing fragrance, Civet oil has been used throughout the history in the treatment of colic, hysteria, hearing difficulties, loss of libido, stress and in stimulating the power of creative thinking. A 1998 study on “Comparative study in chemical character and fatty acid compositions of masked civet’s fat and nutria’s oil” by Hong Meiling, Yang Chunhua, Wang Lijun and Zou Xinghuai, published in the Journal of Forestry Research concludes that Civet’s oil contains Eicosatetraenoic acid, which is extremely helpful in supporting nutrition and metabolism of human system.>br> The oil of Civet and its synthesized aroma in the recent times indeed have a remarkable impact on the emotions and behavior of mankind. This is not an irony and here are the substantiating factors for your contentment:

  • Civet and its positive effect on the Limbic system: Civet is known for its remarkable fragrance that is said to instill potential differences in the behavioral and psychological patterns of humans. And the ‘Superhero’ cascading these benefits is the ‘Limbic system’ or the vital control center of the human brain and is the primary part to grow in a fetus. “The limbic system is a complex set of brain structures located on both sides of the thalamus, right under the cerebrum. It includes the olfactory bulbs, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala, anterior thalamic nuclei, fornix, columns of fornix, mammillary body, septum pellucidum, habenular commissure, cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, limbic cortex, and limbic midbrain areas”, quotes Wiki. Limbic system is the residence for all the emotions and has a greater role to play with the creation and development of memories. It influences the process of learning, sleep patterns, dreams, memory, appetite, eating habits, motivation, sexual behavior, social cognition and the corresponding emotions.Various parts of the Limbic system perform different functions each and the most predominant functionalities are emotional activities (amygdala), automatic actions and reactions (hypothalamus), fresh memories combination (hippocampus), happiness, compensation and obsession (nucleus accumbens), enjoyment region (septal nuclei) and decision making (orbitofrontal cortex). Limbic system works by persuading the functions of the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system.Ayurveda states that brain is the quintessential part of the system that is responsible for the entire health in terms of physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. The treatment using aroma is a branch of Ayurveda that heals hormonal imbalances and psychological health through the sense of smell, which was later called as Aromatherapy. The fragrance-containing molecules in the aromatic oils pass through the nasal receptors while breathing and are converted to nerve impulses before reaching the olfactory bulb and other vital parts of the limbic system. Civet oil contains aphrodisiac, sedative, rejuvenating, stimulating, calmative and tonic properties that pass on through the nasal passages in the form of aromatic molecules, reach the limbic system through the olfactory epithelium. The hypothalamus along with other vital parts of the limbic system obtains the corresponding therapeutic properties as information in the form of nerve impulses. This info is then passed on to the body as instructions to tranquilize, enhance sexual interest, relax the stress hormones, treat hormonal imbalances and calm down the tensed muscles. This way, the invigorating, encouraging and rich fragrance of Civet oil passes on its remedial benefits to the body through the limbic system. Add 2 drops of Civet oil with 1 drop of Rosemary oil and 1 drop of Patchouli oil for enhancing your cognitive abilities while instilling positive energy and enjoying the feel of breathing new life into.
  • Civet’s relationship with rest and stress: “Worrying is the greatest waste of imagination,” says Daniel Ally, the most influential business speaker of the recent times. Rest is the most powerful weapon to recharge the stressed-out mind and spirit. Successful people absolutely know the secret of fueling their fire of passion. Stress is obviously the worst killer of all your strengths in a physical as well as an emotional background. The hippocampus (part of the limbic system) of the human brain plays the key role in implementing the power of buoyancy and fighting spirit in times of impediments and failures. This is also the vital zone that gets affected or blocked during times of stress, anxiety and depression. Kick starting the functions of hippocampus is the need of the hour in this competitive world. The nurturing fragrance of Civet oil has the power to stimulate, refurbish and renovate the working of hippocampus that can help in passing appropriate commands to the system to relax, rest, revamp, recuperate and rejoice in your verves. Blend 2 drops of Civet fragrance oil with 1 drop of Ylang Ylang oil and 1 drop of Lavender oil in your diffuser or air freshener, especially before going to bed. This can help one tremendously in tranquilizing the body, mind and the spirit. You can also add 1 drop of this blend to a ball of cotton and keep aside your pillows for peaceful sleep and a fresh morning like never before. Thus, Civet oil can assist in complete rest sans stress.
  • Civet – The prized gift for an enchanting relationship: Ayurveda, more than just a traditional healing methodology, it is a divine science that insists on leading a disciplined life with responsibility and moral values. Sex, according to Ayurveda never stops with physical pleasure or attraction. It is regarded as a basis for a deeper understanding and mutual love between the partners, defining the intimacy of their love life. Ayurveda strictly condemns sex with many partners or sex without any bonding between the two. On a farther outlook, this is the reason behind burning social problems like sadism, rapes, lack of peace in the society, masochism, prostitution, pedophilia, necrophilia, AIDS, Syphilis and other STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). The noble Ayurvedic philosophy states that genuine sex is a symbol of eternal joy and ultimate sharing between the couples or lawful partners and is mentioned in detail in the art of Kama. With these ideologies, Ayurveda quotes Sex as “sex should only be shared by a loving couple as true satiation only arises from the union of emotions, body and soul.” According to Ayurveda, every physical disorder has a deeper connection with an emotional instability behind. On this basis, sexual mayhems like loss of sexual interest, lack of libido, premature ejaculation and relationship struggles are closely knitted with the emotional problems like stress, fatigue, work pressure, misled by the exaggerated depiction of sex by external forces like internet and media, lack of love leading to monotonous feeling of staying with the same partner and more. Motivational Gurus simply quote, “Successful people have learned to organize the right relationships in their lives. This means that their closest people are nurturing them mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.” The mesmerizing aroma of Civet oil has aphrodisiac, stimulating and tonic properties that inculcate the feeling of love and increased receptivity of being loved. According to Ayurveda, this attention-grabbing aroma of Civet oil has a positive impact on the sacral chakra, which is associated with the endocrine glands including testicles and ovaries. It is physically connected to the genitals, womb, bladder and kidneys. It is responsible for sensuality, pleasure, intimacy, connection and feelings. Adding 3 to 4 drops of Civet fragrance oil along with 1 drop of Frankincense oil and 1 drop of Cinnamon oil to bathing water before going to bed especially with your partner can help in portraying a new love life.
  • Other health benefits: Besides these benefits, Civet oil has been used in controlling sweat and the bad odor associated with it, hearing disabilities, colic in children, certain skin disorders, as a stimulant, antispasmodic medicine, hysteria
