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== Home remedies ==
== Home remedies ==
To help reduce the symptoms of vertigo, several natural remedies are available.
* Gingko biloba increases blood flow to the brain and may ease dizziness. Emily Kane, ND, LAc, recommends the following: "Start with 250 mg of gingko daily until the vertigo seems significantly diminished in severity and frequency, then reduce to a maintenance dose of 40-60 mg daily."
* Another helpful herb is Valerian : one teaspoon of the tincture once or twice daily.
* Homeopathic remedies for vertigo include: Apis, Baptisa, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cannabis, Cocculus, Conium, Digitalis, Ferrum metallicum, Gelsemium, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Silica, Rhus-tox.
== Warnings ==
== Warnings ==

Revision as of 02:16, 22 August 2012


Home remedies

To help reduce the symptoms of vertigo, several natural remedies are available.

  • Gingko biloba increases blood flow to the brain and may ease dizziness. Emily Kane, ND, LAc, recommends the following: "Start with 250 mg of gingko daily until the vertigo seems significantly diminished in severity and frequency, then reduce to a maintenance dose of 40-60 mg daily."
  • Another helpful herb is Valerian : one teaspoon of the tincture once or twice daily.
  • Homeopathic remedies for vertigo include: Apis, Baptisa, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cannabis, Cocculus, Conium, Digitalis, Ferrum metallicum, Gelsemium, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Silica, Rhus-tox.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.