
Coenzyme Q10

2 bytes added, 06:11, 22 September 2012
/* The benefits of Coenzyme Q10 are */
CoQ10 plays a key role in producing energy in the mitochondria, the part of a cell responsible for the production of energy in the form of ATP.
Coenzyme Q10is Q10 is used for :
*Heart failure :People with heart failure have been found to have lower levels of CoQ10 in heart muscle cells. Double-blind research suggests that CoQ10 may reduce symptoms related to heart failure, such as shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, and swelling. CoQ10 is thought to increase energy production in the heart muscle, increasing the strength of the pumping action. Recent human studies, however, haven't supported this.In one study, 641 people with congestive heart failure were randomized to receive either CoQ10 (2 mg per kg body weight) or a placebo plus standard treatment. People who took the CoQ10 had a significant reduction in symptom severity and fewer hospitalizations.In another study, 32 patients with end-stage heart failure awaiting heart transplantation received either 60 mg of CoQ10 or a placebo for 3 months. Patients who took the CoQ10 experienced a significant improvement in functional status, clinical symptoms, and quality of life, however there were no changes in echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) or in objective markers.A study randomized 55 patients with congestive heart failure to receive either 200 mg per day of CoQ10 or a placebo in addition to standard treatment. Although serum levels of CoQ10 increased in patients receiving CoQ10, CoQ10 didn't affect ejection fraction, peak oxygen consumption, or exercise duration.A longer-term study investigated the use of 100 mg of CoQ10 or a placebo in addition to standard treatment in 79 patients with stable chronic congestive heart failure. The results indicated that CoQ10 only slightly improved maximal exercise capacity and quality of life compared with the placebo.
*Cardiomyopathy :Several small trials have found CoQ10 may be helpful for certain types of cardiomyopathy.
*Counteract Prescription Drug Effects
*Weight loss
== Food sources ==
Many foods contain CoQ10, including: red meat, salmon, fresh sardines, tuna, mackerel, soybeans, soybean oil, sesame oil, peanuts, walnuts, broccoli, spinach, and whole grains. To get the biggest benefit, avoid over-cooking meat sources of CoQ10, and eat the non-meat sources raw. Heat alters the enzyme, making it less effective.