

185 bytes added, 05:07, 20 October 2012
/* Home remedies */
* The Allium family of vegetables, which includes [[onions]], [[garlic]], [[leeks]] and scallions, are known to have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as anti-diabetic and anti-cancer effects.
* Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon [[cinnamon]] powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
* [[Cayenne ]] works to boost energy by improving circulation. It is also effective to help ward off cold, [[Sinus Infections]], and [[Sore Throat]]. It even helps reduce pain and inflammation.
*Oils that contain anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties and treat respiratory problems include eucalyptus, ginger, cypress, lemon, cedarwood, tea tree and lavender. Place a few drops of essential oil of choice into a large bowl of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale. Don't get too close as steam can burn the nasal passages.
* Thyme Tea is often used to aid in treatment from the common cold, [[bronchitis]], and coughs.
* [[Yogurt]] : Lactobacillus casei, actually give several health benefits to an individual. One of which is protection from viruses that causes colds and flu.
* [[selenium]] can work preventive.
* Simple chicken soup helps cure colds (chicken, an onion, two cloves garlic, two celery stalks, two carrots, parsley... a little pepper). Now I'll add a bit of sage and thyme.
* Drink a lot of water. And tea, and juice, and clear broth. Fluids help your body heal from a cold by loosening congestion and preventing dehydration. Water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water with honey are the best fluids to rely on; alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated sodas only make dehydration worse.
* Go to bed. Rather than getting in the car and heading to the drugstore, get into bed and go to sleep. While you sleep, your body recharges your immune system, which is what fights off a cold. Studies show that people who get eight or more hours of sleep increase their resistance to cold viruses — and get better faster if they do catch a cold.
* [[tamarind]]
* Cutting out on alcohol is a must. Avoiding it altogether is even better. Alcohol dehydrates your body cells, and it can even cause damage to your liver and kidneys which can be a perfect gateway for infections to occur.
* [[Dandelion ]] Tea : This tea helps in boosting the power of the immune system thereby warding off colds and flu.
* [[Mint]] tea is good because of its cooling effect, which is very good with the symptoms of colds and flu.
* [[Thyme]] tea helps with coughs that are associated with bronchitis.