

30 bytes added, 07:58, 14 April 2013
Other Names: Airelle, Arándano, Bilberry Fruit, Bilberry Leaf, Black Whortles, Bleaberry, Brimbelle, Burren Myrtle, Dwarf Bilberry, Dyeberry, European Bilberry, Feuille de Myrtille, Fruit de Myrtille, Gueule Noire, Huckleberry, Hurtleberry, Mauret, Myrtille, Myrtille Européenne, Myrtilli Fructus, Raisin des Bois, Swedish Bilberry, Trackleberry, Vaccinium myrtillus, Whortleberry, Wineberry.<br>Bilberry fruit is a close relative to the American blueberry. It's a common ingredient in pies, cakes and jams. The active constituents are thought to be antioxidants called anthocyanins.
==Special Precautions of Bilberry==