Ferrum metallicum

Revision as of 02:29, 24 May 2013 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Special Precautions of Ferrum metallicum

  • Only homeopathic use !
  • Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.

The benefits of Ferrum metallicum are

Ferrum met tends to work best as a homeopathic remedy for those who are moody and rather irritable in nature. They may be intolerant to many things, particularly contradiction. As a result of their compulsions, they may feel actual physical or even mental symptoms and tend to suffer from them.

  • Anemia: Ferrum met works well as a homeopathic remedy for anemia and the symptoms associated with it. When the face becomes flushed or the lips become pale, this is the homeopathic remedy to turn to. It can help the body heal and recover from blood loss, esprecilly due to female issues.
  • Severe Fatigue: Another effective use of ferrum met is to alleviate physical or mental fatigue. This can cause sensitivity to noise and even cause the individual to lack the necessary energy to get through their routine each day.
  • Digestive Disorders: Those who suffer from symptoms, such as nausea from eating, can really benefit from using ferrum met as a homeopathic remedy. There may or may not be vomiting, but often there is some type of cramping or pains in the stomach present. The digestion process doesn’t function as it should and could be related to something such as surgery.
  • Circulatory Problems: Many who suffer from circulatory problems have varicose veins. They are not only a cosmetic issue but can often be painful. Other symptoms include suffering from nosebleeds or even hemorrhages. Ferrum met may help with these issues and help to calm the throbbing blood vessels that contribute to them overall. It may even work as a homeopathic remedy for hot flashes or other neuralgic pains.
  • Back and Joint Pain: When the lower back or neck becomes stiff due to sciatica, arthritis, or other issues, then ferrum met may be the best help. There may be a difficulty in moving quickly and pain associated with movements overall.
Last modified on 24 May 2013, at 02:29