Fu Zheng Therapy

Revision as of 02:46, 10 August 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

In traditional Chinese medicine, cancer is regarded as a manifestation of an underlying imbalance within the body. In China, cancer is the leading cause of death. This has led the Chinese government to fund investigations into traditional Chinese medicine treatments with less incapacitating side effects from radiation or chemotherapy. Medical researchers in China found that Fu Zheng therapy (or Fu Zhen therapy) helped to protect the immune system from damage resulting from chemotherapy or radiation. This, in turn, helped to increase cancer survival rates. Fu Zheng therapy also helps to control pain, improve overall quality of life and has, in some cases, stopped the spread of cancer within the body.

Standard Fu Zheng formulas for enhancing the body’s immune function would include some of the following herbs: Astragalus, Asian Ginseng, Rhodiola, Cordyceps, He Shou Wu (Fo Ti), Goji berry, Red reishi and schizandra.

  • Astragalus is noted for its immune-building effects.
  • Atractylodes increases white blood cells.
  • Codonopsis enhances the growth of red blood cells, assists in T-cell formation, and increases the level of antibodies in the blood.
  • Ganoderma Lucidum (Red Reishi) : This mushroom enhances host immunity and reduces the side effects from chemotherapy and radiation treatments. It has many cancer fighting properties and aids in recovery. Reishi is particularly effective for treatment of colon, breasts and prostate cancer. It strengthens T-cell and macrophage function (both are types of white blood cell).
  • American ginseng in studies was found to inhibit cancers of the lungs, liver, stomach pancreas and ovaries.
  • Siberian ginseng shown in vitro to have anti tumor effects against many types of cancer including breast, stomach and ovarian.
  • Panax Ginseng may prevent cancer by acting as an anti-inflammatory. It has also been shown to suppress the growth of new blood vessels required to feed cancerous tumors. Asian Ginseng also support the immune system and prevent low white blood cell counts caused by radiation therapy of chemotherapy.
  • Ligustrum (Nu Zhen Zi) is used in cases of rapid deterioration of the body.
  • Rhodiola has many powerful broad reaching effects and is one of the most highly used adaptogenics in Fu Zheng clinical protocol for treating cancer. It has been shown in Russian clinical studies to inhibit tumor growth and decrease metastasis (the spreading of cancer).
  • Cordyceps
  • He Shou Wu (Fo Ti)
  • Amla, in studies protected against cellular damage induced by radiation.
  • Goji Berry
  • Schizandra
  • Ashwagandha, may inhibit the growth of cancers of the colon, breasts and lungs.

Special Precautions of Fu Zheng Therapy

Health Benefits and uses of Fu Zheng Therapy are

Fu Zheng therapy uses adaptogenic and tonic herbs to help prevent many of the side effects of cancer treatment including nausea, fatigue, decreased red and white blood cell counts, and immune system suppression. Fu Zheng therapy has been successfully used not only to relieve or prevent such problems but it also enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Patients receiving Fu Zheng therapy have much greater Cancer survival rates than patients receiving only Western style cancer treatments.


Last modified on 10 August 2014, at 02:46