
Revision as of 10:02, 24 September 2021 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

The bioactive substance berberine comes from the plant genus Berberis: it is present in the roots, trunk, bark and also in the berries. The barberry is one of the best-known plants in this family. This shrub is native to Eurasia. Berberine is found in the following plants: European Barberry, Goldenseal, Goldthread, Oregon Grape, Bloodroot, Phellodendron and Tree Turmeric.

Special Precautions of Berberine

Health benefits and uses of Berberine

  • it is good for normal stomach function
  • it helps your body maintain a normal cholesterol level
  • it is also good for the liver
  • Supplemental berberine might reduce colorectal polyps, according to a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in 2020 in The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. The study included nearly 900 people in China between the ages of 18 to 75 who had polyps removed during a colonoscopy. (Most intestinal polyps are benign, but some can become cancerous.) After the procedure, the people were randomly assigned to take 300 milligrams of berberine twice daily or a placebo, and followed up one and two years later. None of the participants developed colorectal cancer during the study, but those taking berberine had fewer recurrent polyps (36 percent) compared with placebo takers (47 percent). According to the researchers, berberine could be a low-cost and safe option to help prevent colorectal cancer. Also, no serious side effects were reported.
Last modified on 24 September 2021, at 10:02