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Causes and Symptoms

See also :

Home remedies

  • fibers in dried figs helps create soft, regular stools that will keep hemorrhoids from returning,
  • The best way to keep the colon clean is to incorporate naturally colon cleansing and detoxifying foods into your daily diet like mango, probiotic yogurt, Flax seed, Organic apples, grapes, pineapples, papaya and kiwi (rich in fiber).
  • Bioflavonoids : Bioflavonoids are a type of plant compound that are thought to work by stabilizing and strengthening blood vessel walls and by decreasing inflammation. They have been found to reduce anal discomfort, pain, and anal discharge during an acute hemorrhoid attack. Side effects of bioflavonoids appear to be mild and rare, making them a promising treatment for hemorrhoids in pregnancy (the flavonoid tangeretin however, shouldn't be used by people taking tamoxifen for breast cancer).The major flavonoids found in citrus fruits, diosmin, herperidin, and oxerutins, appear to be beneficial. Daflon, a product made with citrus bioflavonoids was found to improve symptoms in pregnant women by day four of taking it and to reduce symptoms of pain, heaviness, bleeding, itching and discharge.
  • Butcher's Broom : The plant butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus), which is also known as knee holly, box holly, and sweet broom, gets its name because it was once used by butchers in Europe to clean their chopping blocks. Butcher's broom has a long history of traditional use for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It is often used when there is underlying poor circulation in the veins.How does butcher's broom work? Although scientists haven't confirmed the effectiveness of butcher's broom for hemorroids, butcher's broom extract contains anti-inflammatory and vein-contricting properties that are believed to improve the tone and integrity of veins and shrink the swollen tissue. The active compound is called ruscogen.Butcher's broom is usually recommended in capsule or tea form. The tea has a slightly bitter taste, so a bit of stevia or honey can be used to sweeten it. The tea can be made by steeping one teaspoon of the herb in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Butchers broom has also been shown to be effective when applied topically as an ointment or compress. Butcher's broom should not be used by people with high blood pressure, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), by pregnant or nursing women, or by people taking alpha blocker or MAO inhibitor drugs unless otherwise recommended by their doctor.
  • Horse Chestnut :The herb horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), like Butchers broom, is often recommended when there is poor circulation in the veins, or chronic venous insufficiency. In folk medicine, it is used to relieve symptoms such as swelling and inflammation and strengthen blood vessel walls. The active compound is believed to be aescin. Horse chestnut can be taken as a tea or in capsule form. It can also be applied externally as a compress. People with an allergy to the horse chestnut family, bleeding disorders, or people taking blood thinners should not take horse chestnut. Only products made from the seeds or bark of the young branches should be used. Other parts of the plant are poisonous. Although uncommon, side effects have included kidney damage, severe bleeding, bruising, and liver damage.
  • Triphala. An Ayurvedic compound of three fruits. It is well-known as a bowel tonic that gently relieves constipation without being a harsh stimulant.
  • Topical application of chamomile or calendula. Can be applied as a compress or ointment.
  • The three basics that may reduce hemorrhoids symptoms are: Adequate water intake (a minimum of six glasses a day), Adequate fiber in the diet, Exercise.
  • blackstrap molasses is high in minerals such as manganese, copper, calcium, potassium, and iron, which are all effective minerals that help with the healing of hemorrhoids and the improvement of Varicose Veins.
  • Grape seed extract and grapes : Grapes improve the venous blood circulation in the portal system, which receives the bulk of the blood from the hemorrhoidal area. A grape treatment provides good results during acute hemorrhoidal attacks.
  • tannins are used medicinally as anti-diarrhea and anti-hemorrhoid compounds.
  • essential oils for hemorrhoids-treatment : lavender oil, tea tree oil, cypress oil, peppermint oil, geranium cypress oil, camphor oil.
  • Aloe Vera : The very same anti-inflammatory constituents that reduce blistering and inflammation in burns also help reduce the irritation of hemorrhoids. Break off a piece of the aloe vera leaf and apply only the clear gel to the hemorrhoids.
  • A six-inch wooden step: If you have one of those little six-inch stepstools around that Auntie Grizelda uses to reach the cooking sherry, steal it from her and place it in front of the toilet. Put your feet on the step when sitting on the toilet and put your elbows on your knees. This makes for easier elimination. You don’t have to push so hard. That puts less stress on your hemorrhoids and lessens the chance of making more.
  • Baking Soda : Applying baking soda on the affected area relieves you from itching and acts as a very effective hemorrhoid treatment.
  • Water: But not just water water. Strained water through grated avocado seed and mixed with honey. Apply liberally to hemorrhoids with a cloth. (You didn’t think you’d get to drink it, did you?)
  • Beet root juice: Old European hemorrhoid treatment. Apply directly. Apparently, hemorrhoids don’t like beets any more than most of us.
  • Castor oil: Yes, this tired gag from 1930s “Little Rascals” movies works on hemorrhoids. Apply directly after going to the bathroom.
  • Cayenne pepper: Okay, we KNOW what you’re thinking and you’re absolutely right. But people really do this: Mix with a water-soluble ointment (NOT Vaseline or other petroleum based products) and apply directly. Obviously, go easy with this; wash off and try another hemorrhoid treatment if you can’t take the heat.
  • Corn starch or baby powder: Won’t really fix anything, but it can keep the hemorrhoids dry and make them much easier to endure.
  • Exercise and diet: 90% of all hemorrhoids could probably be avoided if you all ate better and exercised more. Not living in California is not an excuse for lack of exercise and eating bad food. This can cause constipation, which leads to straining, which causes hemorrhoids. The more you exercise and the better you eat, the less likely you are to be tempted to try some of these hemorrhoid treatment methods.
  • Hot baths or showers: Hit the hot tub: hemorrhoids shrink naturally in the warm water.
  • Mouthwash: Apply directly. May sting. A lot. Oddly enough, many people have reported positive results over time with this hemorrhoid treatment method. And who doesn’t want a butt with minty-fresh breath?
  • Olive oil: Down, Popeye. Apply directly to Hemorrhoids with a cotton swab.
  • Raw potatoes: Grate potato and apply directly. We got this one from Eastern Europe, where they use potatoes for pretty much everything. Worth a try.
  • Mentholated rub: Apply directly. Bravely.
  • Witch Hazel: The most ancient and trusted chemical hemorrhoid treatment. Apply to area 2-3 times per day. Its astringent qualities make it the primary ingredient in many over-the-counter treatments.
  • Zinc oxide: Good hemorrhoid treatment for pain; works similarly to how it treats diaper rash. You’ll smell like zinc, but really, do you care?
  • The “Shove ‘em up your a**” approach: Several people have reported that by simply pushing the hemorrhoids back inside the anus, their pain is relieved until they emerge again. You might try this treatment first. Then if your ‘roids keep popping back out like an insane jack-in-the-box, you have 18 other ideas here alone.
  • Fix sliced onion and honey, put some on a cotton wool pad and apply on the hemorrhoids for 3 hours.
  • Chop onions and garlic cloves, put on a cotton wool pad and wait for 3 hours. Then apply on the hemorrhoids.
  • Apply vitamin E oil topically to the anal area or cutting off the end of a vitamin E capsule, and squeezing the oil inside into the anus also brings a great deal of pain relief.
  • DMSO : dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). In the literature, there is one anecdotal study in which a physician used DMSO topically for hemorrhoids. By his report, a 70 percent solution of DMSO will dissolve blood-engorged hemorrhoids almost overnight. It may be worth trying.
  • Cumin : The main reason behind piles is constipation added with infections in the wound in the anal tract, which again is caused by constipation. Cumin, because of its dietary fiber content and carminative, stimulating, anti fungal and anti microbial properties due to the presence of essential oils comprising mainly of Cuminaldehyde and certain pyrazines, acts as a natural laxative in powdered form, helps healing up of infections or wounds in the digestive & excretory system and speeds up digestion too.



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This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 4 January 2013, at 04:19