Amygdalin (Laetrile)

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Amygdalin (Laetrile)

See also :

Apricot kernels contain a high amount of vitamin B17, which is also known as laetrile, amygdalin or nitriloside. The amygdalin compound has four molecules. Two are glucose molecules. The other two are cyanide and benzaldyhide. The last two are scarycompounds, except for a couple of unusual metabolic activities: they are released by and into cancer cells only. Otherwise, they remain in the amygdalin compound and are passed through. It's a very clever arrangement. The cancer cells depend on fermenting sugar (glucose) for their energy instead of oxygen. So the cancer cells attract the amygdalin compounds for their glucose, but are whacked when they metabolize those compounds that free the benzalldyhide and cyanide. The glucose is the sugar bait. Cancer cells contain an enzyme that is not found in healthy cells, beta-glucosidase.The beta-glucosidase enzyme "unlocks" the amygdalin compound, releasing the deadly toxins within the cancer cell. Only cancer cells metabolize amygdalin. Healthy normal cells don't. Most non-cancerous cells contain another enzyme, rhodanese. Free cyanide molecules are bound to sulfur molecules by rhodanese, creating harmless cyanates that are eliminated in the urine. Amygdaline is found in seeds such as the apple, peach, cherry, grapes, orange and nectarine. It is found with the highest concentration and necessary enzymes in apricot seed kernels. It is also found in millet, Wheat Grass, lima beans and mung beans. The hard wooden pit in the middle of the apricot or peach for example, is not supposed to be thrown away. In fact, the wooden shell is actually a strong armor protecting one of the most important foods known to man, the seed. It is one of the main courses of food in cultures such as the Navajo Indians, the Hunzakuts, the Abkhazians and many more. Cultures such as these have never had a reported case of cancer when eating their traditional foods!

Special Precautions of Amygdalin (Laetrile)

  • Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment. Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.
  • There is a high risk of developing serious adverse effects due to cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. This risk could increase with concomitant intake of vitamin C and in vegetarians with vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • The Food Standards Agency (UK) has advised people to take no more than two bitter apricot kernels a day. Higher doses could be dangerous for human health. According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), it has received reports from various parts of the world of people overdosing with apricot seeds.
  • Cyanogenic glycosides, as the name suggests, contains cyanide attached to a sugar molecule. When this compound is acted on by an enzyme, the sugar molecule is cleaved off, leaving behind the well known poison, cyanide. The truth is if you were to seeds in large quantities, they could kill you, but in most cases, the seeds pass through the digestive system without releasing significant amounts of cyanide unless you chew on them to release the toxin. Even if some poison is released from the seeds, your body has the capability of neutralizing small amounts of cyanide and you probably wouldn't experience serious effects unless you were to eat seeds in very high amounts. Unfortunately, a small child or a pet may not be so lucky. It might not take a large number of seeds to cause symptoms in a child or pet which means you should avoid giving your pets apples unless you remove the seeds. The same applies to children. Seeds from Apples, peaches, cherries, and raspberries and the root of cassave contains Cyanogenic glycosides .
  • There are some reports of muscular weakness and respiratory difficulties in patients taking Laetrile.
  • Other side effect indications include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. It is believed that these symptoms are related to the patient's impaired ability to dispose of the toxic products, as a result of tumor breakdown. In any case, no one should take Laetrile without appropriate supervision and monitoring. Oral Laetrile is converted to cyanide in the intestines by bacteria. Intravenous Laetrile, in the most common form of administration, appears not to lead to the uncommon side effect of cyanide toxicity. There have been reports of death and illness in children who took Laetrile tablets accidentally. However, these incidents are not the result of therapeutic administration of the drug.
  • Laetrile May Cause Low Blood Pressure
  • Do Not Take Laetrile With Probiotics : It was our experience that taking laetrile with high strength probiotics may also increase the amount of free hydrogen cyanide and thus could create adverse side effects.
  • Consuming apricot pits with vitamin C may increase the amount of cyanide released in your body, which will intensify its toxic effects, according to the American Cancer Society.
  • Side effects from amygdalin also can be intensified by eating peaches, celery, bean sprouts and carrots, according to Dr. Weil. That is because these plants contain enzymes that activate release of cyanide in the body.

The benefits of Amygdalin (Laetrile) are

A primitive tribe, the Hunzas, were known to consume large amounts of apricot seed kernels. The hard pit had to be broken to get into the soft kernels. There was no incidence of cancer with them at all, ever. And they had long, healthy life spans. Laetrile was created by simply extracting amagdylin from the soft apricot kernels, purifying it and putting it into a concentrated form. Laetrile appears to work because the nutrient is actually composed of four separate molecules: two of glucose, one of benzaldyhide and one of cyanide. The latter two chemicals are toxic, but are bound up in a non-bioavailable form. Cancer cells contain an enzyme that healthy cells do not, known as beta-glucosidase. This enzyme actually breaks apart the component pieces of laetrile, and the cell is poisoned by a combination of benzaldyhide and cyanide. Healthy cells do not undergo this effect, which is why they remain unaffected by laetrile.

  • Cancer : There is controversy about apricot seeds and the claims made about it as a cancer cure. At Medical News Today we have had hundreds of letters from patients on this subject. Some people say it is wonderful while others say it made them feel worse. There are many indications that taking apricot kernels helps preventing cancer.
  • Vitamin B17 (Laetrile) is also an immune system enhancer.
  • the apricot kernel oil gives anti spasmodic effect, provides relief from strained muscles.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 22 March 2013, at 02:08