Morinda Officinalis

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Other Names : Indian Mulberry, 巴戟天, ba ji tian, Ba Ji, Bi Ji, Morinda, Morinda Root, Morindae officinalis, Morindae Radix, Noni, Racine du Morinda, Radix Morindae Officinalis.
The root of the plant is used to make medicine. You may find ba ji tian products that also contain a related plant called Morinda Citrifolia.

Special Precautions of Morinda Officinalis

  • Painful urination (dysuria): Ba ji tian is thought to stimulate the kidneys, so it might make painful urination worse. Use with caution if you have this problem.

Benefits and uses of Morinda Officinalis are

  • Ba ji tian might help treat depression by increasing the effects of serotonin, a chemical found in the brain.
