Rhodiola Rosea

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Rhodiola Rosea

Other Names: Arctic Root, Extrait de Rhodiole, Golden Root, Hongjingtian, King's Crown, Lignum Rhodium, Orpin Rose, Racine d’Or, Racine Dorée, Racine de Rhadiola, Rhodiola rosea, Rhodiole, Rhodiole Rougeâtre, Rodia Riza, Rose Root, Rose Root Extract, Rosenroot, Roseroot, Rosewort, Sedum rhodiola, Sedum rosea, Siberian Golden Root, Siberian Rhodiola Rosea, Snowdown Rose.
In Arctic Siberia the location of Rhodiola Rosea plants are a closely held secret among families who live there. The emperor of China used to organize expeditions to Arctic Siberia to bring back this highly valued plant.

Special Precautions of Rhodiola Rosea

  • Though its therapeutic effects have yet to be proven, the studies on Rhodiola rosea all seem to agree that any side effects are mild.Side effects have included:
    • dizziness
    • dry mouth
    • sleep problems
    • jitteriness
    • Jitteriness is a particular problem among those prone to anxiety who take higher doses of the supplement.
  • As it has a mild stimulant-type effect, Rhodiola rosea is not recommended for people who have bipolar disorder or who are taking other stimulants.
  • One article suggests that people can take the herb on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch. Avoiding it in the evening may help reduce sleep problems at night.
  • If you are considering continuing the use of rhodiola with psychotropic drugs, you should definitely consult with the prescribing physician, even though there are no documented interactions except for MAOIs. Brown et al. advise against use of rhodiola with MAOIs.

Rhodiola may add to the stimulant effects of caffeine; it also may augment antianxiety, antibiotic, antidepressant medications.

  • Rhodiola may affect platelet aggregation in higher doses.
  • Rhodiola may interfere with birth control pills.
  • Rhodiola may interfere with diabetic or thyroid medication.

The benefits of Rhodiola Rosea are

  • Antioxidant : Research is still new on the use of Rhodiola in skin care, but so far, the results are really exciting. First of all, it contains powerful antioxidants called “proanthocyanidins,” which are the same antioxidants found in grape seed, cinnamon, bilberry, and green tea, known for their ability to protect. Studies have shown that Rhodiola is comparable to vitamin C as an antioxidant, and you probably know how effective vitamin C can be for the skin.
  • Adaptogen: Increases body's ability to handle stresses of all kinds. Partly, this is because it "tones down" the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and increases the relaxing parasympathetic system. Subjects given Rhodiola show increased levels of beta-endorphin in the brain. Beta-endorphin is the stress relieving, feel-good, analgesic peptide. Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb along the lines of more famous cousins such as ginseng, ashwaganda, suma, etc. Rhodiola Rosea, however, is more powerful and may be the best adaptogenic herb available. Research by Russians began in 1931 when Rhodiola Rosea was found to increase sexual potency. In a test of 35 subjects with weak erections and/or premature ejaculations, 50 mg per day was found to provide substantial improvement in 26 of the 35. The levels of 17-ketosteroids in seminal fluid showed an increase in the production of sex hormones.Women had much the same result. 40 women with secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) were given 100 to 150 mg per day of Rhodiola and 25 resumed their periods and 11 became pregnant.
  • Antidepressant: All test subjects showed a positive therapeutic effect from 100 mg of Rhodiola per day. It is thought to work by making serotonin's precursors, tryptophan and 5-HTP, more available to the brain and by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is destroyed by catechol-O-methyltransferase or COMT. Rhodiola antagonizes COMT. Rosavin can decrease COMT activity by 60% and raise serotonin levels by 30%! A study of 128 individuals of all ages with various forms of depression showed that 65% had a complete disappearance of their depression. Rhodiola has been used with a variety of prescription antidepressants with no apparent problems.
  • Prevents emotional stress: Asthenia, an emotional stress condition, is a condition characterized by sluggishness, low motivation, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, labored breathing, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations and excessive sleeping. 100 to 150 mg of Rhodiola daily reversed this.
  • Improves endurance levels: Excellent for athletes. A study of 52 individuals of all ages showed a 12% increase in the duration of physical performance. When initially fatigued and asked to perform the test, it increased to 28%! Rhodiola increases muscular ATP and creatine levels.
  • Shortens recovery after strenuous and prolonged exercise: 30 minutes after a 12 mile long biathlon, control subjects still had a pulse rate of 129% above baseline (pre-exercise.) Rhodiola subjects had a pulse rate only 105% of baseline.
  • Improves physical performance: In the biathlon subjects had to ski 12 miles while periodically shooting at targets. Not only did they complete the course faster, they hit far more targets. In a study of 112 subjects, 89% of those taking Rhodiola showed a much more rapid improvement in performance in various sports. Furthermore, 69% demonstrated much faster adaptation to climatic and social changes while 86% had an improved appetite. Helps maintain energy levels. Improves indicators of protein metabolism. Valuable for body builders. Researchers considered Rhodiola the equivalent of anabolic steroids without the side-effects. Muscle protein and glutamic acid (from L-Glutamine) are enhanced by Rhodiola. It also increases hemoglobin and red blood cell levels while favorable changing the muscle to fat ratio of the body.
  • Increases attention span, memory and mental performance: In a proofreading test, those taking Rhodiola decreased the number of mistakes by 88% while the control group increased theirs by 84%!
  • Increases strength and mobility.
  • Diabetes : Prevents the development of hypoglycemia.In animal experiments Rhodiola increased blood insulin and decreased glucagon. Rhodiola resulted in a 50 to 80% increase in liver glycogen where excess sugar is stored.
  • Increases blood supply to the brain and muscles.
  • Optimizes serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitter levels in the brain.
  • Helps remove ammonia from the body.
  • Helps maintain high levels of creatine phosphate in the cellular mitochondria.
  • Activates lipase in long distance runners and swimmers.
  • Heart Attacks. Stress causes adrenalin release which over time can "burn" the heart. Overly contracted heart muscle fibers show "contraction bands" a sign of heart muscle damage found in 86% of heart attack victims.
  • decreases the amount of adrenalin and cortisol released during stress and protects the heart against "adrenalin burn." Rhodiola also lowers serum fats and cholesterol while increasing the resistance of blood vessels to cholesterol plaques. If that weren't enough it also protects against arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats) by potentiating endorphins (natural opiates that regulate heart beat.)
  • Immune stimulation: Rhodiola increases immune response while blocking the immune lowering effects of cortisol. In one animal experiment, natural killer cell activity increased with Rhodiola.
  • Cancer: As a mighty antioxidant, rhodiola helps to prevent and heal cancer by scavenging health harming free radicals -- reducing the risk of cellular mutations. It also hampers tumor growth. A study in rats showed that Rhodiola decreased tumor growth by 39% and inhibited metastases by 50%. Please note we do not have substantiated evidence of these test results.
  • Used in Fu Zheng Therapy
  • Fat loss: In a placebo controlled study of Rhodiola’s ability to mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue, 121 subjects were given either Rhodiola extract or a placebo and their serum lipid levels were tested at rest and after one hour of exercise. The Rhodiola group had 6% greater serum fatty acid levels than the placebo group at rest and 44% greater levels after one hour of exercise. This difference is presumably due to Rhodiola’s ability to activate adipose lipase, a key enzyme required to burn the body’s fat stores.
  • Depression or Anxiety, anyone requiring more mental alertness, athletes and body builders, anyone prone to develop Alzheimer's disease or who has memory problems, immune deficient or cancer patients, anyone with heart disease, those suffering from obesity, and anyone wishing to increase their sexual stamina. It is especially recommended for anyone whose life is stressful.