Nepalese Firethorn

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File:Pyracantha.jpg Other Names : Pyracantha crenulata, Nepal firethorn, Himalayan Firethorn, Ghigharu, Chhota seb
See also : Firethorn

Special Precautions of Nepalese Firethorn

Health Benefits and Uses of Nepalese Firethorn

  • Fruits can be made into a preservative. Medicinally it has cardio-tonic, coronary vasodilator and hypertensive properties. It has been used for cardiac failure, myocardial weakness, paroxysmal tachycardia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and Burgor’s disease.
  • The anti-oxidants present in fruits are helpful in reducing the ill-effects of free-radicals in our body, maintain blood-pressure and reduce cholesterol. * Apart from this the fruits are helpful for rejuvenation in aged people, reduce joint pains and act as appetizer.
  • The leaves are used in the preparation of herbal tea, sun burn creams and many facial creams.
  • The bark of the shrub is used in heavy bleeding during menstrual cycles.
  • A combination of Ginkgo and Pyracantha leaves are a tonic to mind. The stem bark is useful in fevers especially malaria. It is rich is beta-carotene, iron, potassium, and anti-oxidants and therefore a healthy choice.


  • Bisht VK, Kandari LS, Negi JS, Bhandari AK, Sundriyal RC (2013) Traditional use of medicinal plants in district Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 7(15): 918-929.
  • Saklani S, Chandra S (2014) In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity, Nutritional Value, Antinutritional Value and Phytochemical Screening of Pyracantha crenulata Fruit. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res 26 (1):1-5