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Other Names: Acide Hydroxycitrique, AHC, Brindal Berry, Brindle Berry, Cambogia gummi-guta, Garcinia Cambogi, Garcinia cambogia, Garcinia gummi-guta, Garcinia quaesita, Gorikapuli, Hydroxycitrate, Hydroxycitric Acid, HCA, Kankusta, Malabar Tamarind, Mangostana cambogia, Tamarinier de Malabar, Vrikshamla.
Garcinia is a plant. The fruit rind is used to make medicine.

Special Precautions of Garcinia

  • Don’t confuse garcinia with Garcinia hanburyi (Gamboge resin).
  • Garcinia is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when used for 12 weeks or less. Long-term safety is unknown. Garcinia can cause nausea, digestive tract discomfort, and headache.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of garcinia during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Benefits and uses of Garcinia are

  • Weight loss. Taking garcinia fruit rind extract doesn't seem to decrease weight, fat breakdown, or energy expenditure in overweight people. There is some mixed evidence that garcinia might help people feel full even when eating less, but it's too early to recommend garcinia for this use.
  • High Cholesterol : In a small study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2008, scientists determined that using garcinia cambogia in combination with glucomannan may help lower cholesterol levels in obese people. For the study, 58 obese people took either a placebo or a combination of garcinia cambogia and glucomannan for 12 weeks. By the end of the study, members of the treatment group had experienced a significantly greater reduction in cholesterol levels (compared to members of the placebo group).It's unknown whether garcinia cambogia on its own can help reduce cholesterol. It's also important to note that the combination of garcinia cambogia and glucomannan failed to reduce body weight in study participants.
  • Diabetes : Preliminary research suggests that garcinia cambogia may aid in diabetes control. In a 2003 study published in Fitoterapia, for example, tests on mice revealed that garcinia cambogia may help improve blood sugar metabolism.
  • Ulcers : Garcinia cambogia may help treat ulcers, according to an animal-based study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2002. In tests on rats, scientists discovered that garcinia cambogia might help alleviate ulcer symptoms by reducing acidity in the stomach.
  • Treating worms and parasites.
  • Severe diarrhea (dysentery).

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