Long Gu

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Other Names : 龙骨, Fossilia Ossis Mastodi, Os Draconis, Stegodon, Dragon Bone
Fossilized vertebrae and bones of the extremities of mammals

Special Precautions of Long Gu

  • Contraindicated for those with Damp-Heat.
  • Contraindicated for those with External disorders.
  • Contraindicated for those with diarrhea, dysenteric disorder, gynecological bleeding or hematuria due to Blood Heat.
  • Contraindicated for those with loss of Jing due to Excess Fire.
  • Do not mix with fish.
  • Counteracts Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao.

Benefits and uses of Long Gu are

Substances that Calm the Spirit: Substances that Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit

  • Settles anxiety and calms the Spirit : Agitated Heart and Spirit with emotional distress, restlessness, insomnia, palpitations with anxiety, seizures, or withdrawal mania
  • Calms the Liver and anchors and preserves Floating Yang : Irritability, restlessness, dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision and a bad temper due to Liver Yin Deficiency with Liver Yang Rising
  • Prevents leakage of fluids : Loss of fluids due to Deficiency with spermatorrhea, nightsweats, spontaneous sweating, nocturnal emissions, vaginal discharge and uterine bleeding
  • Topically generates muscles and astringes ulcers : Chronic non-healing sores and ulcerations.

Uses in Chinese Patent Medecine