Oat Straw

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Other Names: Avena sativa, Groats, herb oats, oatgrass, oats, wild oats
The mature oat plant produces the grain you know as oats, often promoted as a food that can lower cholesterol. Oat straw, however, is the green, unripe part of the plant, both leaves and stems, and is sold as Avena sativa, green oats or wild oat extract. You can find it in some health food stores and on the Internet as a powder, juice, tincture or as a tea. Plant Description:The oat straw plant is an annual grass. It stands erect with a flat, rough, but elongated leaf. It has a golden seed shaped much like a spindle.
See also :

Special Precautions of Oat Straw

There are no known drug or nutrient interaction associated with the use of oat straw but if you are allergic to oat flour it could be a good idea to stay clear of any products containing oat straw. Because oat straw contains gluten those suffering from celiac disease should avoid it in any form.

The benefits of Oat Straw are

  • Oats have been an elemental food source for both humans and animals since prehistoric times. There is speculation that this food source is best described through it genus name, avena, which traces back to its original meaning of nourishing while sativa means cultivated.
  • In addition to its recognition and value as a stable food crop, however, oat straw is also used in the treatment of a number of human maladies, ailments or discomforts.
  • It has been purported to help with the lowering of cholesterol naturally, increasing of vigor and stamina (it has been suggested to people recovering from long term illnesses as an aid to help rebuild their strength).
  • The oat seeds carry antispasmodic, cardia, diuretic, emollient, nervine and stimulant properties.
  • Oat straw and the grain have also been prescribed in the treatment of a wide range of nervous conditions. It has also been shown to help with the exhaustion related to neurological pains or herbal treatment for insomnia, or multiple sclerosis. A tincture has been used as a nerve stimulant when treating opium addiction and it is a popular herbal remedy for anxiety and ADHD.
  • It can help to combat problems such as obesity, varicose veins, irritations related to the digestive tract and as an herbal treatment for hemorrhoids, however it has been found that it should not be used in dyspepsia when accompanied by acidity of the stomach.
  • Research now shows that it contains the anti-tumor compound b-sitosterol and there are some suggestions that the chances of cancer in the bowel may be reduced by eating oats regularly, as well as cancers in general.
  • There is also some evidence to suggest that the consumption of the oats helps to naturally lower the blood sugar levels in the body and that it could be helpful as an herbal remedy for diabetics as well.
  • Osteoporosis : Oat straw is very high in Calcium and strengthens bones and teeth by stimulating cell growth.