Hamamelis Virginiana

Revision as of 10:39, 24 May 2013 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

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See also : Witch Hazel
Other Names : Hamamelis, Ham, Witch Hazel, Spotted Elder, Snapping Hazelnut

Special Precautions of Hamamelis Virginiana

Benefits and uses of Hamamelis Virginiana are

  • Hemorrhoids and Varicose Veins: These veins, in both instances, are usually weak but tend to be rather inflamed, and are therefore quite painful. There may be hemorrhaging as a result and because of these symptoms the homeopathic remedy of hamamelis can provide great relief from the pain and possible side effects of them.
  • Bleeding: Hamamelis may work well as a homeopathic remedy for extreme bleeding, particularly if hemorrhaging is possible. It may work for heavy periods in women or even something as simple and common as nosebleeds.
  • Eye Injuries: Hamamelis is something that people can turn to for any type of eye injury. It may help the body to naturally heal the injury site and relieve the pain in the process.

Profile Type

Hamamelis tends to work best as a homeopathic remedy for those who don’t feel very appreciated in their lives. They may feel as though they lack respect overall and this can really bring them down in their emotional state. These people are more prone to illness and this can add to their depression, even causing them to feel isolated at times. They can become irritable in addition to all of their negative feelings, often as a result of them.

Last modified on 24 May 2013, at 10:39