Psorinum Miasm

Revision as of 05:37, 25 May 2013 by User1 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Psorinum, Psor, Scabies

Special Precautions of Psorinum Miasm

Benefits and uses of Psorinum Miasm are

  • Skin Conditions: Some of the same type of skin conditions that are caused by the scabies mite are very commonly solved by using the homeopathic remedy of psorinum. It would only make sense then that as a homeopathic remedy through the proper preparation, psorinum may offer some great help to those who suffer from this type of skin condition or disorder. Skin conditions which include pus-filled pimples, blisters, crusting, and itchy eruptions that can cause severe irritation. These acne like growths are similar to what you would expect to find with eczema, but they tend to be itchy and more irritating. They may have discharge coming from them and may even look dirty, as though the area hasn’t been kept clean around the growth.
  • Diarrhea: This is the type of diarrhea that is often accompanied by abdominal cramps and spasms. Often a good appetite is present, but with no real weight. The abdomen is frequently distended with a feeling of bloating; as if there is an overabundance or build up of gas in the system. Those who have this type of diarrhea may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome or related abdominal disorders that result in similar type of symptoms.
  • Respiratory Illness: Respiratory disorders that continue to show up and result in similar infections on a consistent basis. Symptoms commonly associated with a sinus infection or even bronchitis are usually expected with this type of respiratory illness. One who suffers from this may often feel breathless, have difficulty catching their breath, and may even have wheezing as a result of this illness.
  • Eye and Ear Infections: These often show up as sties in the eye and have related symptoms such as inflamed eyelids and even a yellow discharge that streams from the eyes. If showing up as an ear infection, there may be pain and even a foul smelling discharge. This is one of the disorders where psorinum may be most helpful as a homeopathic remedy.
  • Depression: Depression where an individual feels a very real fear of failure and even of death. They may feel that there is no hope or promise left in their lives. The feeling of depression often morphs into feelings of hopelessness and despair, perhaps even leading into suicidal tendencies. Psorinum may offer some tremendous help as a homeopathic remedy for the mental and physical symptoms associated with this type of depression.

Profile Type

An individual that may be offered the most help from psorinum is an individual that is rather anxious and even unambitious in nature. They may feel that they are constantly suffering from a lack of stamina or motivation overall. They are slow to recover from illness, which they may suffer from frequently. They tend to suffer with the change in seasons and do particularly poorly in the cold and dark days of winter. They often give into their fears and are consistently worried that they will not recover from illness. An individual that may benefit greatly from psorinum may have a number of health conditions, and often displays a worrisome nature about life in general.

Last modified on 25 May 2013, at 05:37