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Other Names: Capsicum, African Bird Pepper, African Chillies, African Pepper, Aji, Bird Pepper, Capsaicin, Capsaïcine, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum Fruit, Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum minimum, Capsicum pubescens, Cayenne, Cayenne Fruit, Cayenne Pepper, Chili, Chili Pepper, Chilli, Chillies, Cis-capsaicin, Civamide, Garden Pepper, Goat's Pod, Grains of Paradise, Green Chili Pepper, Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hungarian Pepper, Ici Fructus, Katuvira, Lal Mirchi, Louisiana Long Pepper, Louisiana Sport Pepper, Mexican Chilies, Mirchi, Oleoresin capsicum, Paprika, Paprika de Hongrie, Pili-pili, Piment de Cayenne, Piment Enragé, Piment Fort, Piment-oiseau, Pimento, Poivre de Cayenne, Poivre de Zanzibar, Poivre Rouge, Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper, Tabasco Pepper, Trans-capsaicin, Zanzibar Pepper, Zucapsaicin, Zucapsaïcine.
See also : Capsaicin
The cayenne pepper, or Capiscum annum, derives its proper name from a Greek word meaning "to bite," a clear allusion to the pungent properties of the plant and its seeds. However, it's the many medicinal applications of the pepper that earned it the nickname "The King of Herbs."

Special Precautions of Cayenne

  • Cayenne is generally a safe herb. But because it is so potent, cayenne side effects may sometimes arise due to improper use or overuse of the cayenne herb.
  • Also, do note that, when a particular herb has powerful health properties, it will naturally cause certain reactions in the body. Often, these are signs of cleansing or healing, sometimes referred to as detox reactions. People often mistake these as negative reactions or adverse effects.
  • Cayenne seeds, as they can be toxic, should not be used.
  • Also, if pregnant or breast-feeding, cayenne supplements should preferably not be taken.
  • Those who suffer from allergic reactions to latex, bananas, kiwi, chestnuts, and avocado may also have an allergic reaction to cayenne.
  • In addition, if capsaicin is taken for prolonged timeframes, there would be risk of developing some cayenne side effects like liver damage, stomach problems, etc, so do be careful on overdosing.
  • Topical Cayenne Side Effects of Cayenne Creams and Lotions : A patch test on a small portion of skin is to be conducted to assess cayenne tolerance and any tendency to allergic reaction, before commencing usage of the cream containing capsaicin. If not tolerated well, it can cause burning, itching and severe allergic reactions.
  • Capsaicin should not be used immediately after showering or before hot showers and it is also not to be used with a heating pad. After using cayenne, hands should be washed well and touching of the eyes is to be avoided.
  • In addition, creams containing capsaicin should not be applied on the area around the eyes, or where there is broken skin or mucous membranes.
  • Overdoing it on topical cayenne lotion or cream can cause external cayenne side effects, such as inflammation of the skin, ulcers and blisters.
  • If a patient is being administered treatment of the following generic drugs for varied multiple conditions, then cayenne preparations should not be used without the supervision of a physician.
  • Cayenne is contraindicated for individuals on ACE inhibitors, agents that reduce stomach acid, aspirin, blood-thinning medications and herbs, and theophyline.

The benefits of Cayenne are

Many people think of this spicy little beauty as just a delicious way to boost the flavor of their cooking, but this pepper is a valuable medical tool with a wide range of uses. Part of the logic behind the many herbal applications of capsicum is that it is a catalyst, and can be used to enhance the effects of other treatments. Little is known about the pharmacological activities of capsicum in humans, but it is abundantly clear that capsicum is a stimulant. In fact, it has been called "the purest and most certain stimulant in the herbal materia medica." The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 23 ed., 1943, states that "Capsicum is a powerful local stimulant, producing, when swallowed, a sense of heat in the stomach, and a general glow over the body without narcotic effect." Chili peppers have long reigned over the canon of folk medicine. Archeological remains show that capsicum was a dietary staple in Mexico 9,000 years ago. In Indonesia, capsicum is used as a traditional remedy for gonorrhea. In central Africa, it's used as a calming, stress-relieving tonic. In Hawaii, it's used for backaches, rheumatism, and swollen feet. Some reports even suggest capsicum can prevent heart attacks. One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 1979 found that capsicum contained the most natural vitamin E -- often used to treat heart conditions -- of all the edible plants analyzed by the research team. In a fresh, ripe pepper, the researchers measured 3-10mg/.100gs, meaning capsicum can be considered a significant dietary source of vitamin E.Additionally, the form of vitamin E found in capsicum is an especially stable one, which makes it particularly well-suited for medical applications. According to a combination of herbal lore and medical research, capsicum may:

  • Ease congestion
  • Prevent tooth decay
  • Support digestion
  • Heal ulcers
  • Stop hemorrhaging
  • Relieve infection
  • Cure arthritis
  • Numb pain
  • Clean the blood
  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Nourish the heart
  • Back Pain
  • Cancer : Recently, capsicum research has been centered on the pepper's potential viability as a cancer treatment. According to the American Association for Cancer Research, capsaicin (the same component of the cayenne that makes the peppers so peppery) causes cancer cells to commit apoptosis. In plain language, that means that capsaicin causes cancer cells to kill themselves. This claim comes from a study done by a team of researchers from the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, along with colleagues from UCLA. The researchers discovered that the capsaicin component of the cayenne pepper caused human prostate cells to undergo programmed cell death. As exciting as these results are, the Association has been careful to emphasize that more studies need to be done before it's clear how capsaicin can be used in treating humans.
  • Weight Loss : Another promising line of research is the use of capsicum as an important aid to weight reduction. Studies done over the last 30 years indicate that capsicum has enormous potential for promoting fat loss. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that capsicum has been successfully used to increase the loss of abdominal fat for overweight or obese individuals.
  • Normalizing insulin and glucose levels
  • Boosting energy
  • Increasing metabolic speed
  • Suppressing hunger
  • Promoting satiety (the feeling of fullness) Those last 2 items -- suppressing hunger and promoting satiety -- can be strengthened if you also consume green tea regularly as a part of your weight management strategy. There are just as many good ways to work capsicum into your diet as there are good reasons. If you like spice, go for the peppers themselves -- the options for using peppers in cooking are endless! If your mouth can't take the heat, there are a number of good quality supplements available that won't leave your tongue tingling.
Last modified on 25 March 2014, at 13:30