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Special Precautions of Dandelion

The benefits of Dandelion are

  • Dandelion is used as a bitter tonic in atonic dyspepsia, and as a mild laxative in habitual constipation. When the stomach is irritated and where active treatment would be injurious, the decoction or extract of Dandelion administered three or four times a day, will often prove a valuable remedy. It has a good effect in increasing the appetite and promoting digestion.
  • Dandelion combined with other active remedies has been used in cases of dropsy and for induration of the liver, and also on the Continent for phthisis and some cutaneous diseases. A decoction of 2 OZ. of the herb or root in 1 quart of water, boiled down to a pint, is taken in doses of one wineglassful every three hours for scurvy, scrofula, eczema and all eruptions on the surface of the body.
  • For gallbladder Inflammation (Cholecystitis): Mix 125 ml of dandelion juice and 125 ml of watercress juice. Take twice daily along with a vegetarian diet.
  • They are excellent liver and kidney tonics that help reduce the body’s toxic burden.
Last modified on 14 May 2011, at 01:48