
Revision as of 09:00, 12 July 2015 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Special Precautions of Nickel

The benefits of Nickel are

  • The biological function of nickel is still somewhat unclear. Nickel is found in the body in highest concentrations in the nucleic acids, particularly RNA, and is thought to be somehow involved in protein structure or function. It may activate certain enzymes related to the breakdown or utilization of glucose. Nickel may aid in prolactin production, and thus be involved in human breast milk production. Nickel enables dietary iron absorption and contributes to the development of red blood cells.
  • Patients with the highest levels of nickel and selenium were between 33 per cent and 95 per cent less likely to have pancreatic cancer compared with those with the lowest levels. The positive influence of selenium and nickel appeared to be unchanged even after researchers accounted for other known risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, and obesity.

Food Sources

Nickel deficiency has not been shown to be a concern in humans, but it is definitely a problem in chicks and other small animals, where low nickel can lead to decreased growth, dermatitis, pigment changes, decreased reproduction capacities, and compromised liver function. In humans, increased sweating, such as from exercise, can cause nickel losses, and extra dietary nickel may be required to maintain its still mysterious functions. Good food sources of include lentils, asparagus, oats, mushrooms, beans and pears.

Last modified on 12 July 2015, at 09:00