
Revision as of 03:29, 2 January 2017 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)


Other Names: Japanese Persimmon, Caqui, Chinese Persimmon, Chinese Plum, Coing de Chine, Diospyros chinensis, Diospyros kaki, Diospyroskaki, Dried Persimmon, Figuier Caque, Fuyu, Hachiya, Hachiya Persimmon, Hanagosho, Jiro, Kaki, Kaki du Japon, Kaki Persimmon, Korean Persimmon, Oriental Persimmon, Persimmon, Persimmon Fruit, Persimmon Japonais, Persimmon Juice, Persimmon Punch, Plaqueminier, Plaqueminier de Chine, Plaqueminier du Japon, Plaqueminier Kaki, Sharon Fruit, shizi
Japanese persimmon is a plant. People eat the fruit, or use the fruit and leaf for medicine.

Special Precautions of Persimmon

  • There isn't enough information available to know if Japanese persimmon is safe for medicinal use. The fruit, eaten as food, can cause allergic reactions.
  • Consume persimmon in moderation because it contains fructose, which may be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of Japanese persimmon during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
  • Low blood pressure: Japanese persimmon might lower blood pressure. There is some concern that it might make low blood pressure worse or interfere with treatment intended to raise low blood pressure.
  • Surgery: Japanese persimmon might lower blood pressure. Some surgeons worry that Japanese persimmon might interfere with blood pressure control during and after surgery. Stop using Japanese persimmon at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
  • Medications for high blood pressure (Antihypertensive drugs) interacts with JAPANESE PERSIMMON

Benefits and uses of Persimmon are

Brimming with flavonoids, tannins, betulinic acid and shibuol, persimmon is an exceptionally protective food. The presence of catechin and gallocatechin tannins help to limit cellular oxidative damage and reduce blood pressure as well as serum lipid levels. Betulinic acid and shibuol specifically target and dissolve cancerous tumors, while abundant flavonoids protect against DNA mutations. Persimmon contains chemicals that might lower blood pressure and body temperature, as well as have other effects on the body.

  • High blood pressure.
  • Constipation
  • GERD : persimmon in general and persimmon drinks in particular are very effective as a heartburn home remedy. The following cinnamon, ginger, persimmon mix was surprisingly effective for many people : This is a Korean new year's recipe called Soo Jeung Kwa or Persimmon Punch : Take a bowl and mix 2 quarts of water, 4 cinnamon sticks and 1/8 Lb of thinly sliced fresh ginger. Let it simmer for 1/2 hour, strain the liquid get rid of the ginger and leave the cinnamon. Add 1 cup of sugar to the hot liquid and then 3 whole dried persimmons sliced into pieces. Let it stay overnight in the fridge and serve cold
  • Hiccough.
  • Stroke.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Improving blood flow.
  • Reducing body temperature.
  • Cancer : Persimmons are one of a few foods associated with killing breast cancer cells without harming normal breast cells, according to one new study. Scientists attributed this to the flavonoid fisetin, present in several fruits and vegetables, but in persimmons specifically. Fisetin also has been named as a significant contributor in the programmed eradication of colon and prostate cancer cells1.
Last modified on 2 January 2017, at 03:29