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Other Names : Pluchea grevei
Pluchea grevei is a plant of the Asteraceae family, native to regions with warm and dry climate. This is the reason why the shrub is abundant in the province of Tuléar (in the south of Madagascar). Pluchea grevei appreciates sandy soils just like Katrafay and Croton Geayi. The flowers are yellow in color and are grouped in capitulum like dandelion or daisy, with alternate and elongated leaves. The leaves and stems are covered with a fine fluff

Special Precautions of Famonty

  • Prior consultation with an aromatherapy or naturopathic practitioner is required before using the Famonty essential oil.
  • As a precaution, essential oils should be diluted for application to the skin. This dilution is carried out in a vegetable oil in a proportion generally of 5 to 10%.
  • Essential oils should be used with caution in children, pregnant women, allergic persons and epileptics.

Health Benefits and uses of Famonty

Famonty has long been used as a medicinal plant by the Malagasy. In external application it was used to treat tumors, sprains and dislocations. In decoction, it was proposed for the elimination of the muscular and articular pains as well as for the disease of the internal organs. The essential oil of Famonty is made from steam distillation of leaves, leafy stems and flowers. This yellow oil has a density lower than 1 unlike most essential oils. Actions : Antitraumatic, burns, hematoma, Skin protection. Venous, lymphatic circulation. Lucidity, awareness

  • Thanks to its high content of sesquiterpenols, sesquiterpenes and monoterpenols, Famonty essential oil has many therapeutic properties. In particular, it may be used as a first-aid medicament in cases of hematoma, sprains or fractures following an accident.
  • Combined with the essential oil of Katrafay, it becomes an effective remedy against muscular and joint pains.
  • Mixed with Issa, it becomes an excellent stimulator for the cardiovascular system.
  • Famonty essential oil is one of the few essential oils that are authorized for pure skin application. If you wish to perform a holistic muscle massage with this essential oil, it is necessary to dilute it with vegetable oil. Its protective effect of the skin is comparable to no other essential oil. As a protective film, it can be used in dilution to prevent external aggressions for reactive skin and to limit dryness of the skin. Its interest is not limited to prevention, it is a valuable remedy in case of burns, hematomas, cutaneous allergy to use pure or diluted in Calophyllum oil. Let's also point out its beneficial use in radiotherapy.
  • A powerful tonic for venous and lymphatic circulation, the Famonty is applied in massage to improve circulation in general or more targeted. It effectively relieves the symptoms of heavy legs, limits the onset and decreases the importance of varicose veins. The association is possible with Issa and Calophyllum. It restarts venous circulation on the extremities (hands, feet), improves the problems associated with poor lymphatic circulation (edema).
  • For internal use, pour two drops into a teaspoon containing honey. Swallow at the beginning of the meal then drink a glass of water.
Last modified on 26 March 2017, at 03:46