Brazilian Pepper

Revision as of 10:40, 17 April 2017 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

See also : Pink pepper

Special Precautions of Brazilian Pepper

Health Benefits and Uses of Brazilian Pepper

  • Respiratory, congestion, cough and bronchitis, flu, colds, immune deficiencies : The key compound is a special type of monoterpene called delta-3-carene which is known to be effective for respiratory conditions. This compound is found in relatively small concentrations in a number of highly effective respiratory oils such as Cypress (8%), Myrtle (3-5%), Bay Laurel (4-5%), and the fairly costly Elecampane (8%).
  • Fungal infections, acne, infectious skin diseases
  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • Muscle and joint pain, stomach cramps, rheumatism, gout
  • Urogenital infections, cystitis, urethritis, menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders
  • stimulate lymph and blood circulation
  • generally improve the circulation of energy in the body.
  • Fortifies spleen, lungs, and pancreas.
  • Encourages us to let go of possessiveness
  • Helps us to let go of the need for security
  • Improves emotional maturity
  • Calms irritation, anger, anxiety. Eases fear of failure, fear of judgement
Last modified on 17 April 2017, at 10:40