Justicia gendarussa

Revision as of 12:45, 20 August 2017 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

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Other Names : willow-leaved justicia, बाकस, bakas, काळा अडुळसा, kala adulasa, कसनः, kasanah, वैध्यसिंहा, vaidyasinha
is a small erect, branched shrub. It has been described as rare and endemic to India

Special Precautions of usticia gendarussa

Health Benefits and Uses of Justicia gendarussa

  • It is said to be useful in asthma, rheumatism and colics of children.
  • It may have the potential to be the basis for a birth control pill for men.
  • The plant has shown promise as a source of a compound that inhibits an enzyme crucial to the development of HIV.


Last modified on 20 August 2017, at 12:45