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Punica granatum

Other Names: Anardana, Dadim, Dadima, Extrait de Feuille de Grenade, Extrait de Grenade, Extrait de Polyphénol de Grenade, Feuille de Grenade, Fleur de Grenade, Fruit du Grenadier, Fruit of the Dead, Granada, Grenade, Grenadier, PE, PLE, Pomegranate Extract, Pomegranate Flower, Pomegranate Fruit, Pomegranate Leaf, Pomegranate Leaf Extract, Pomegranate Polyphenol Extract, Pomme Grenade, Punica granatum, Roma, Shi Liu Gen Pi, Shi Liu Pi. Pomegranates have been prized for their nutrition value for more than 4,000 years, especially in the ancient world of the Middle and Near East. The name pomegranate comes from the French pomme-grenade. Pomme means fruit, while grenade is for the Spanish city of Granada. But grenade actually comes from the Latin word, granatum, which means seeded. Interestingly, some people, especially in the Philippines, call this fruit “Granada”, which might be right because a grenade looks like the insides of the pomegranate. Pomegranates can be eaten raw, like most fruits. After opening the skin, the reddish arils can be eaten direct. But because of the inconvenience of having to eat the fruit of hundreds of small seeds, many companies nowadays are manufacturing pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice has become popular, not because of its interesting fruit looks, but because of the nutritional benefits it offers. Pomegranates juice may be sweet, but most are sour-tasting, which is mostly sought after by those who are considering the nutritional value of the fruit.
See also : Pomegranate Peel Extract (PPE)

Special Precautions of Pomegranate

  • Pomegranate juice is LIKELY SAFE for most people. Most people do not experience side effects. Some people can have allergic reactions to pomegranate fruit.
  • When applied to the skin or gum, pomegranate is rated POSSIBLY SAFE. Some people have experienced sensitivity to pomegranate including itching, swelling, runny nose, and difficulty breathing.
  • Pomegranate is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when the root and stems are taken by mouth. The root contains a poison.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Pomegranate juice is POSSIBLY SAFE for pregnant and breast-feeding women. But it is not known if other forms of pomegranate, such as pomegranate extract, are safe. If you use pomegranate, stick with the juice during pregnancy or breast-feeding. Check with your healthcare provider first.
  • Allergies to plants: People with plant allergies seem to be more likely to have an allergic reaction to pomegranate.
  • Surgery: Pomegranate might affect blood pressure. This might interfere with blood pressure control during and after surgery. Stop taking pomegranate at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
  • Drug Interaction : Like grapefruit juice, Pomegranate is a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, which can affect the metabolism of a variety of drugs, increasing their bioavailability.In some cases, this can lead to a fatal interaction with drugs like astemizole or terfenadine.
  • Medications changed by the liver (Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) substrates) interacts with pomegranate.
  • Medications for high blood pressure (ACE inhibitors) interacts with pomegranate.
  • Rosuvastatin (Crestor) interacts with pomegranate.
  • Medications changed by the liver (Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) substrates) interacts with pomegranate.

Benefits and uses of Pomegranate are

Pomegranates are very rich in vitamin C. A cup of the aril juice can already provide 32 percent of the body’s daily requirement for vitamin C. But pomegranate is also laden with other vitamins and minerals. Vitamins B5 and potassium is rich in this fruit. And because it is just like other types of berries, it is rich in polyphenols, such as flavonoids and tannins, which makes it a good source of antioxidants. Below are some of the health advantages of pomegranates.

  • It is good for the heart : According to several recent studies made for pomegranates, it showed that those who generously drink the pomegranate juice have experienced reduction of inflammations and decline in the damage of cells due to free radical activities. In a study made on rabbits, it showed that there is potential for humans to be relieved from chronic inflammatory conditions just by taking the pomegranate extract. Pomegranate extract is just equal to 175 milliliters of pomegranate juice. When the blood levels before and after ingestion of pomegranate extract was measured, it shows high level of antioxidants in the blood after taking the extract. Additionally, there is a decrease in the activities of the protein that causes the inflammatory reaction of the body. Heart problems, especially angina and myocardial infarctions, are considered to be inflammations of the heart. With pomegranate, there is assurance that the heart is protected.
  • Atherosclerosis“Hardening of the arteries”. Preliminary evidence suggests drinking pomegranate juice might help to keep the arteries in the neck (carotid arteries) clear of the build-up of fatty deposits.
  • Cancer : inhibits the growth of lung, skin, colon, breast and prostate tumors.
    • Since pomegranate is rich as an antioxidant, it is therefore beneficial in protecting the cells from further damage. When the cells are protected for the effects of oxidative stress, the cells are seldom replaced, which means that there is lower risk in producing cancer cells. Therefore, pomegranate can actually help in lowering the risk in developing cancers.
    • But what if you already have cancer, what benefits can you get from drinking the pomegranate juice? In a study made by the researchers of the University of California, they were able to discover that phenylpropanoids, hydro benzoic acids, the conjugated fats and the flavones can actually increase cell adhesion as well as decrease the migration of cells. With increased cell adhesion, the cells have lower tendencies to break down or break away, which lower the chances of tumor cell formation. With decreased cell migration, in the case of existent cancer cells, the tendency is that it lowers the chances of metastasis. With increased ingestion of pomegranate juice, the risk of developing cancers or of propagation of cancer cells is lowered.
    • Pomegranate is confirmed to be a cancer stem cell killer. Cancer stem cells are largely responsible for the failure of conventional cancer treatment.
  • Source of Ellagic Acid.
  • Arthritis is known as an effective anti-inflammatory fruit. In the case of people suffering osteoarthritis, pomegranate juice is beneficial in improving the health of the joints by slowing down the deterioration process of the joint cartilage. In a research published by the Journal of Nutrition in 2005, the extracts of pomegranate are beneficial to the type of arthritis caused by wear and tear. One of the substances that play a large role in the degradation of joint cartilage is Interleukin-1b. This substance is considered to be a pro-inflammatory protein. In the research, an observation of the effects of pomegranate extract towards Interleukin-1b, it showed that the extract can actually inhibit the activities of the enzymes responsible for tissue remodeling in the case of osteoarthritis. When this enzyme and the interleukin-1b is inhibited, the cartilage is protected, which further means that the osteoarthritis is prevented.
  • It promotes good dental hygiene : According to the article in Alternative Medicine Review in 2008, it stated that typical application of the extract of pomegranate can actually prevent inflammation of the mouth and oral cavities. It also decreased the amounts of bacteria, fungus and Candida, which can lead to some periodontal diseases as well as the common, stomatitis. Those who are wearing dentures may also be benefited from the topical pomegranate applications. Pomegranate is an effective antibacterial, especially for oral health.
  • It is good for the brain : Any antioxidants, such as the pomegranates, are effective in maintaining brain health. Antioxidants reduce the tendency of the elderly to develop Alzheimer’s disease or any diseases caused by degradation of the neurons and the synaptic junctions. In a study made at the Washington University School of Medicine, they experimented on the effects of pomegranate towards the brain of the babies born prematurely. When there is low oxygen going towards the infant while still inside the mother’s body, there is high risk of the baby being born early. This condition will lead to hypoxic ischemic brain injury for the newly-born babies. Although still studied on mice, the study indicates that if there is increase in ingestion of pomegranate by the mothers, the loss of brain tissues in the fetus is reduced, which means lesser risk of premature birth.
  • against Weakening of muscles
  • against Impaired kidney function
  • against decrease in liver productivity
  • against aging of the skin
  • Anti-aging : the regular consumption of pomegranate extract can slow down the process of DNA oxidation.
  • It can also protect the neurovascular integrity of the fetus if the mother loads herself with this fruit.
  • For the older population, research showed it lowers risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, pomegranate lowers blood pressure as well as LDL cholesterol, which is good for the heart.
  • This fruit contains potent antioxidant-like compounds, called ellagitannins, which support healthy cell growth in the prostate.

But it's important to remember that experts say the most potent health benefits come from consuming the whole fruit, not just the delicious seeds. Most commercial juices draw their content only from the seeds, and contain only small quantities of the powerful antioxidants that protect against aging. The real powerhouses are the inedible rind, hulk, and white pith.

These non-seed parts of the fruit are described as "inedible" not because they are toxic, but due to their bitter taste and unpleasant texture. With that in mind, heath practitioners recommend that you consider taking a supplement pill or health drink made with extracts of the whole fruit.

Last modified on 30 March 2019, at 05:30