Chrysantellum americanum

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The Chrysantellum americanum (or Chrysanthellum) was introduced in European herbal medicine, there are approximately 30 years.

Virtually unknown two decades ago, Chrysanthellum (Chrysantellum americanum) could appear, in the near future, as a major hepato-vascular remedy , also endowed with significant anti-lithiasis , hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory properties .


The pharmacological activities of Chrysanthellum (Chrysantellum americanum) are deducted from :

  • The flavonoids are hepatoprotective and encourage microcirculation .
  • The saponins are venotropic and have properties surfactant , they thus potentiate the activity of flavonoids to facilitate their passage through the membrane cell .

Health Benefits and Uses of Chrysantellum americanum

It is a tropical plant with versatile and powerful activity , of essential importance in herbal medicine, which is mainly used:

  • In hepatic disorders for its hepato-protective role , in particular in poisoning of alcoholic origin, overeating and the consequences of hepatitis.
  • To treat lithiasis (calculations) of any origin.
  • As main antihyperlipidemic treatment and adjunctive cholesterol-lowering treatment.
  • To improve peripheral microcirculation and capillary resistance (heavy legs, arteritis, rosacea).
  • To increase bile secretion and stimulate the digestive system .
  • The pharmacological study focused on three areas of action :
    • the hepatoprotective activity vis-à-vis ethyl alcohol and carbon tetra-chloride and the choleretic action, compared to sodium dehydrocholate, in the rat, testified to the revival of liver functions, while a parallel study conducted in humans showed significant results in improving liver condition.
    • has also been found to be a lipid lowering agent with respect to clofibrate, used as a reference drug, with however more spectacular results on triglycerides than on cholesterol.
    • If, in the study of vasculotropic propertiesof Chrysanthellum (Chrysantellum americanum), this was only slightly active, per os, on the rat, although superior to rutin and its derivatives, the results in humans were clearly superior. Clinical pharmacology work, carried out within the framework of this study, in the service of Professor Cloarec, at Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris, demonstrated the significant effects of the drug on the microcirculation. The action of Chrysanthellum (Chrysantellum americanum) is analogous to vitamin P, coupled with a vasodilator activity, intervening directly on the vascular wall, as evidenced by the lengthening of the walking distance and Döppler. the antioedematous activity, evaluated in the rat, quite low when the drug is administered orally
Last modified on 1 January 2022, at 05:58