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See also : Joint Pain

Causes and Symptoms


  • Arthritis is caused by a wide number of factors including injuries, age, toxins, and microbes, hormonal and even genetic. Other causal factors including environmental, allergen and even dental have been identified as both causes and triggers for the disease. Hormonal factors are seen as the cause in post menopausal women, who make up a large percentage of those afflicted with OA
  • Stress can be a major factor in the eventual development of arthritis.

Home remedies

  • Thermotherapy can be beneficial to those with arthritis and stiff muscles and injuries to the deep tissue of the skin.
  • Cinnamon has a significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month. Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured.
  • Turmeric is a natural treatment for arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • On their own, turmeric, ginger and bromelain work as effective anti-inflammatory agents. Each works to relieve pain, stiffness and swelling. In combination, they provide a powerhouse of natural medicine.
  • Papaya has been shown to prevent and heal many health issues. Conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, and arthritis are alleviated by papaya consumption.
  • Arnica is used for Bruises, Sprains, Pain and Swelling, Arthritis, Infection, Inflammation, Varicose Veins, Phlebitis (Vein Inflammation), Insect Bites
  • Shilajit can be used as treatment for diabetes, gallstones, kidney stones, heart disease, anemia, anxiety, ulcers, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy and jaundice.
  • Cherries help treat gout, arthritis, rheumatism and anaemia due to their high iron content.
  • Elderberries have been employed in European folk medicine since antiquity for lots of illnesses from arthritis and asthma to colds and constipation.
  • Guava protects against blocked arteries, joint degeneration, nervous system problems and even possibly cancer.
  • maqui berry : Everything from cancer, to arthritis, to cardiovascular disease is spurred on by inflammation, so consuming mega-doses of antioxidants from sources like maqui berry is a great way to help prevent these and other diseases.
  • SAM-e is a natural compound that your body makes and it contains sulfur. It reduces pain and improves movement.
  • Gin-Soaked Raisins is an ancient home remedy for Arthritis
  • Devil's claw (harpagophytum procumbens) an aromatic plant from Namibia is been used for Rheumatoid arthritis, fever, Skin conditions, Gallbladder conditions, Pancreas conditions, Stomach conditions, Kidney conditions, Back pain.
  • a natural enzyme supplement, known as serrapeptase offers help for allergies, asthma, arthritis, MS, and other inflammatory diseases.
  • frankincense, a resin derived from Boswellia trees can Reduce or even eliminate the inflammation associated with chronic arthritis.
  • MSM (methyl-sulfonyl methane) delivers the same pain relief as popular over-the-counter arthritis painkillers—but without the serious and potentially fatal health risks?
  • Krill Oil an effective natural relief to arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases : Its antioxidant properties and its omega-3 content are being linked to the efficacy to the reduction of arthritis symptoms.
  • willow bark is actually the herbal form of aspirin. It too contains salicin, mimicking the effects of aspirin.
  • Cayenne peppers give off heat that seems to have a warming effect to almost all parts of the human body. It also promotes better blood circulation, allowing nutrient-rich blood to go to the joints that are inflamed and promoting better healing. The heat also helps relieve pain in arthritis and can even help with low back pain. Aside from that, cayenne also has salicylates, very much like those found in aspirin, which promotes a pain-numbing effect. It also decreases substance P concentration. Substance P is a chemical that is utilized by our nerve cells in order to transmit pain messages. If pain messages are not transmitted, the sensation of pain will not be interpreted thus, pain will not be perceived.
  • Ginger tea and ginger compress may relief signs and symptoms of arthritis.
  • ginseng : make use of the American ginseng and not Asian ginseng. Asian ginseng may actually exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Ginseng has ginsenodises – compounds that have various pharmacological effects which encompasses arthritis symptom relief.
  • Licorice acts similar to cortisone – without the side effects. Cortisone has been known to reduce inflammatory processes by decreasing swelling and pain. However, it has also been known to suppress the function of the immune system, making the one receiving it more prone to sickness. With licorice, you get the same anti-inflammatory effect minus the immune system suppression. But consult a professional herbalist before you decide to take licorice on a long-term basis. Long-term use may increase one’s blood pressure levels.
  • Wintergreen contains methyl-salicylate which helps relieve pain. However, methyl-salicylate is toxic to the skin, especially when it is applied topically by salicylate-sensitive individuals. Be cautious when using topical preparations of the herb, such as its oil form. You may also use its dried form herb.
  • Oregano has rosmarinic acid – a compound with antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Its antioxidant property stands out because it helps combat free radicals, substances that have been known to cause cell damage and is involved in premature aging, degenerative arthritis as well as inflammation. Numerous studies have also been conducted, linking oregano use with arthritis relief.
  • Epsom Salt is actually Magnesium Sulfate. Magnesium is a mineral that has anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers from New England had revealed that an arthritic pain sufferer can actually find comfort in an Epsom Salt bath. The heat helps in relieving the swelling and helps by promoting proper blood circulation all throughout the body.
  • St. John's wort oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which help ease arthritis pain.
  • Lavender helps with pain relief by promoting a calm and relaxed mind, making one more able to bear the pain. Gently massaging the area with the use of lavender oil with rosemary can also help reduce pain and stiffness.
  • MSM (methyl-sulfonyl methane) delivers the same pain relief as popular over-the-counter arthritis painkillers—but without the serious and potentially fatal health risks.
  • stinging nettles are used to relieve symptoms of joint pain, arthritis and gout. A tea can be made from the dried herb or the fresh leaves.
  • fruit pectin and grape juice can relieve joint pain, and reduce swelling and stiffness. Pectin is found in the cells of many plants and acts as a thickener in preparations such as jellies. Grape juice is loaded with antioxidants, among them, anthocyanins, noted for its effect on reducing inflammation.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 23 March 2012, at 02:44