Artemisia annua

Revision as of 11:14, 12 July 2012 by User1 (Talk | contribs)

Other names : Mugwort, Wormwood, Capillaris, Chinese Wormwood, Yen Chen Hao

Special Precautions of Artemisia

  • Wormwood should not be taken in large amounts or long-term. This herb has been declared unsafe for use during pregnancy due to its uterine and menstrual stimulating effects. Due to the lack of sufficient reliable information, wormwood should not be used while breastfeeding
  • Habitual large doses of wormwood can cause a range of undesirable effects. These may include restlessness, insomnia, nightmares, vomiting, abdominal pains, dizziness, tremors, convulsions and urinary tract disfunction. Thujone’s toxicity can cause various effects as the amount of wormwood consumed increases, including seizures, delerium and hallucinations in extreme cases. Some researchers believe that thujone’s mind altering effects are similar to THC in marijuana.

The benefits of Artemisia are

Artemisia species are rich in volatile oil, triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins and coumarin. Due to their beneficial action, the plant is associated with tonic, cardiac, nervine, vasodilatory, diuretic, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. Also, scientists extracted an active chemical, that they called artemisin, which has shown anti-malarial actions and thus have the potential to work as malaria remedy. In addition, plant's activity stimulates the production of the bile in the liver.

  • Historically and up untill now the plant have been used for a variety of digestive tract disorders. Soothing the inflammation of intestinal tissues, herbal extracts relieve diarrhea and constipation, decrease stomach pain and cramping, and aid digestion by boosting the supply of nutrients to the cells. Artemisia bitter generally improves digestion and stimulates appetite.
  • Herbal preparations of the plant are considered to be the liver tonic as well. They stimulate its cleansing by enhancing the draining of waste products with the help of the improved bile secretion. Artemisia is often used in jaundice and hepatitis treatment.
  • Anti-bacterial properties of Artemisia are applied for treating such conditions as parasitic and bladder infections, without damaging intestinal flora. It is especially effective against threadworn and ringworm.
  • Being helpful in severe cases of malaria, artemisin is also effective against the river blindness - debilitating disease spread in some regions of Africa. It kills organisms causing this condition and fights its symptoms.
  • Both in Eastern and Western medicine Artemisia is used for the reproductive system disorders. It decreases the bleeding in a prolonged menstrual cycle, warms the womb to enhance fertility, and soothes menstrual pain.
  • Nervine properties of mugwort help the patients with epileptic attacks, tension, and anxiety. Its mild narcotic effects can stop hysteria and shaking, as well as enhance a good sleep in case of sleep disorders. Its appetite-stimulating action is beneficial for the patients with depression who refuse to take meals.
  • Applied topically, mugworts alleviates bruises, itching, carbuncles and felons. If your legs and feet are swollen and tired, or affected by gout and rheumatism, a bath with Artemisia extract will relieve the symptoms of these conditions.
  • Since the plants of Artemisia genus are quite toxic, an experienced herbalist should be consulted as for dosage before using it for any kind of treatments.
Last modified on 12 July 2012, at 11:14