Tiger Milk Mushroom

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Other Name : Lignosus Rhinocerus

Special Precautions of Tiger Milk Mushroom

Benefits and uses of Tiger Milk Mushroom are

  • Asthma : Reduced inhaler usage from twice a day to once a day. Less fatigue climbing up stairs and improved breathing. Recovery period shorten after asthma attacks. Asthma attack recurrence decreased.
  • Lung Cancer: Flam reduced. Breathing improved. Stamina improved.
  • Breast cancer : Dr. Wong Ka-hing, the associate director of the Food Safety and Technology Research Center, and his research team have found a polysaccharide-protein complex (PSP) in the Tiger Milk mushrooms that can turn selenium - a common nutrient - into a new cancer therapy that could potentially benefit millions of breast cancer patients the world over.
  • Chronic Cough : Cured chronic cough which couldn’t be solved by western medicine.

Former Malaysia PM Tun Dr. Mahathir stated in Biomalaysia 2002 that his chronic cough was cured by Tiger Milk Mushroom.

  • Joint Pain : Joint pain after recovered from Dengue fever disappeared after 1 week consumption.

Joint pain in elderly relieved.

Last modified on 12 November 2012, at 04:15