Dan Dou Chi

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See also : Soy
Other names : Semen Sojae Preparatum, 淡豆豉, 豆豉, Dou Chi, 香豉, Xiang Chi, Fermented Soybeans

Special Precautions of Dan Dou Chi

Avoid with nursing mothers - may inhibit lactation.

Benefits and uses of Dan Dou Chi are

  • This herb has action of dispersing external pathogen and releasing exterior, and it is mainly used for fever and headache due to common cold. Because this herb has very weak effect and mild property, it can be used for wind-heat exterior syndrome, warm diseases at the defense system and wind-cold exterior syndrome. If the syndrome is moderate, and there is no obvious cold or heat syndrome, Dan Dou Chi is usually used together with Cong Bai, forming the Cong Chi Tang in the book of Zhou Hou Fang (A Handbook of Prescription of Emergencies). For the severe syndrome of wind-heat exterior syndrome and the syndrome of defense system, it will be used with the herbs which have actions of dispelling wind-heat and relieving heat toxin, such as Bo He, Jin Yin Hua, Niu Bang Zi, and so on. For the wind-cold exterior syndrome, it will be used with Fang Feng, Zi Su and Jing Jie, and these herbs can dispel wind-cold.
  • Besides, this herb also can send down the adverse flow of qi and detoxify, and it is mainly used for abdominal distention, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, warm diseases and carbuncles and swelling in febrile heat disease. Because of its mild effect, it is seldom used. When combined with herbs bitter and cold in property such as Zhi Zi, it can protect stomach, drive qi downward, harmonize the middle energizer, and avoid Zhi Zi’s bitter and cold property from harming stomach. When combined with toxic and drastic herbs such as Gua Di and Pi Shi, it can protect stomach, harmonize the middle energizer, lower the toxin, and because it can be easily changed into different forms it is very convenient to take it.
  • Releases both exterior hot or cold (depending on how it is prepared), also good for exterior disorders with underlying yin deficiency (due to its mild nature).
  • Eliminates irritability, restlessness, insomnia following febrile disease.
Last modified on 11 January 2013, at 02:33