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Most kombu is from the species Saccharina japonica (Laminaria japonica). Kombu is one of the several edible species of kelp found in Japan and is an important ingredient in Japanese cuisine used to flavor broths and stews. Kombu is a well-known dark, green, long thick sea vegetable from the Kelp family. Among the popular sea vegetables are rame, nori, dulse, wakame, and hijiki. Some cultures have been consuming seaweed for almost 2000 years since they provide essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to the body. There are several benefits associated with sea vegetables and Kombu.

Special Precautions of Kombu

  • Consuming large amounts of kombu can actually backfire on you because kombu consists of indigestible cellulose or non-soluble fiber. Even taking a teaspoon or tablespoon of kombu powder, which appears finely ground, can feel like shrapnel to your colon because it is an insoluble substance. Diarrhea or constipation is likely to occur in those who start eating kombu in larger quantities than their bodies are accustomed to.
  • Although Kombu has many health benefits, it does not provide adequate supply of vitamin B12 which is vital for a strong nervous system, and vitamin D required for absorption of calcium in the body.

The benefits of Kombu are

The medicinal powers of seaweeds have been used for centuries because of their proven ability to prolong life and enhance health and beauty. Over the last decade, continuing worldwide research has shown brown seaweed to be the most beneficial of all seaweeds. Brown seaweed (Laminaria japonica, or kombu) is rich in organic iodine, fucoidan, alginates, fucoxanthin, laminarin and other mineral values. It also contains all of the 72 different trace minerals, which are often lacking in people living in the Western hemisphere, particularly the U.S. Here's a breakdown of brown seaweed's stellar health properties:

  • Youthfulness and longevity : Though this is not yet scientifically proven, researchers have found a direct link between regular Kombu consumption and a long period of vitality and youthfulness. This is because seaweed and vegetables have been shown to help maintain youthful expression. In addition, seaweed improves strength of hair as well.
  • Detoxifying agent : Sea vegetables and Kombu are proven to have an amazing detoxifying effect. This is mainly for two reasons. First of all, Kombu can easily bind to heavy metals and as a result, they are expelled naturally. Secondly, chlorophyll in algae is not only simple but powerful as well; therefore consuming seaweed on a regular basis provides an individual with a powerful dose!
  • Essential trace minerals : These are minerals and vitamins that are hard to obtain in regular nutrition. Seaweed or Kombu is a great source of many trace minerals that are generally found in supplements. However, the body has been known to utilize minerals in diets better than those found in pills.
  • Aids digestive system : Kombu is known to help the process of digestion. It improves blood circulation, and prevents constipation and bowel decay. In addition, it balances alkaline and acids in the body and prevent cancer by regulating blood ph levels.
  • Cancer : Approximately 4% of the total dry weight of brown seaweed consists of fucoidan. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide, also referred to as an "evaporated oligomineral." It is the fucoidan content in brown seaweed that has been proven to cause certain types of rapidly growing cancer cells to self-destruct, according to the Biomedical Research Laboratories of Takara Shuzo and the Research Institute for Glycotechnology Advancement