Zhu Sha

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Other Names : Cinnabarum, 硃砂, Cinnabaris, cinnabarite, red mercury(II) sulfide (HgS), native vermilion,cinnabar

Special Precautions of Zhu Sha

  • Because of its mercury content, cinnabar can be toxic to human beings.
  • Do not use in large amounts or for a prolonged period.
  • To prevent mercury poisoning, do not heat.
  • Use with extreme caution for those with compromised Liver and Kidney functions.

Benefits and uses of Zhu Sha are

  • Sedates the Heart and calms the Spirit
    • Restlessness, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia and convulsions associated with a disturbed Spirit
    • Heart Fire (with appropriate herbs)
    • Phlegm Fire Disturbs the Heart (with appropriate herbs)
    • Heart Blood Deficiency (with appropriate herbs)
  • Expels Phlegm and sedates jitteriness and convulsions while stopping tremors
    • Seizures, childhood convulsions and other problems due to Phlegm-Heat Blocking the Pericardium and Heart
    • Wind-Phlegm dizziness
    • Lung Heat
  • Clears Heat, relieves toxicity and prevents putrefaction
    • Topically for carbuncles, mouth sores, sore throat and snakebite
