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Gastroparesis is a condition in which the muscles in your stomach don't function normally. Ordinarily, strong muscular contractions propel food through your digestive tract. But in gastroparesis, the muscles in the wall of your stomach work poorly or not at all. This prevents your stomach from emptying properly. Gastroparesis can interfere with digestion, cause nausea and vomiting, and cause problems with blood sugar levels and nutrition. There is no cure for gastroparesis. Making changes to your diet may help you cope with gastroparesis signs and symptoms, but that's not always enough. Gastroparesis medications may offer some relief, but some can cause serious side effects.

Home remedies

  • Natural herbs such as ginger are very good in relieving the stomach spasm. They can also help you get rid of the nausea. It also helps in stimulating digestion.
  • Another herb that can be very effective is lavender. It plays the same roles as ginger and will also help in calming your nerves.
  • Mellissa and peppermint are also offer Gastroparesis natural treatment .They help in the digestion of foods to stop it from being stuck in the stomach.
  • Lipoic acid : This is especially helpful for diabetes-induced gastroparesis. Lipoic acid helps liver function and regulation of blood sugar, plus it also happens to be an outstanding antioxidant.
  • There are also food stuffs that are said to be good dealing with Gastroparesis, for instance, chicken noodle soup. You can survive on these before you are ready to eat solid food stuffs again.
  • If you do eat food, try and take this in smaller amounts. Eating a lot will just worsen the condition.
  • Digestive Enzymes : Supplementation with a high quality digestive enzyme supplement can also be very helpful with gastroparesis (and other digestive issues).
  • You should also increase on your fluid intake. Take plenty of water to help you with the indigestion.
  • In some cases, you may have to switch to liquid diets to deal with the condition. Ensure that you avoid fatty foods as much possible. These kinds of foods are part of the main causes of Gastroparesis.
  • Food rich in fibers may also not be good for people with this condition. Ensure that you eat a well balanced diet of foods that are easily digested.
  • You should also avoid eating very large portions of foods that will make your stomach feel too full. Your doctor or dietitian may prescribe six small meals a day instead of three large ones. If less food enters the stomach each time you eat, it may not become overly full. In more severe cases, a liquid or pureed diet may be prescribed.
  • There are also natural remedies for Gastroparesis for diabetics. Most of these remedies require a change of diet. You will have to eat regular small portions of food or a liquid diet to control your blood sugars. You will also need to be very keen about your insulin.


If you have Gastroparesis, you need to get treatment. This condition may not seem life threatening but it can actually cause you very serious health complications apart from the major discomforts. The food in your stomach will start fermenting therefore creating grounds for a buildup of bacteria. This condition can also worsen diabetic conditions if untreated. Try the natural remedies for Gastroparesis and manage the condition in an easy natural way. You can also visit your doctor and seek medical advice on other home remedies that you can use.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.