Damson Plum

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Other Names : Prunus domestica subsp. insititia, Prunus insititia, Damson
is an edible drupaceous fruit, a subspecies of the plum tree. Varieties of insititia are found across Europe, but the name "damson" is derived from and most commonly applied to forms which are native to Great Britain. Damsons are relatively small plums with a distinctive, somewhat astringent taste, and are widely used for culinary purposes, particularly in fruit preserves. In South and Southeast Asia, the term "damson plum" sometimes refers to Jambul, the fruit from a tree in the Myrtaceae family. The name "Mountain Damson" or "Bitter Damson" was also formerly applied in Jamaica to the tree Simarouba amara.

Special Precautions of Damson Plum

Health Benefits and uses of Damson Plum are

Aside from their high sugar content, which isn’t necessarily a great attribute, damson plums are very high in vitamin C and riboflavin, as well as dietary fiber, but their real value comes in their minerals, including significant levels of potassium, phosphorous, copper, manganese, and magnesium. Furthermore, damson plums have certain antioxidant compounds that contribute other healthy benefits on those who eat them.

  • Digestive Health: As with the majority of fruits, damson plums are very high in dietary fiber, which is a key part of our digestive health, as it helps to move food through our digestive tract, eliminating constipation, bloating, cramping, and more serious conditions as well, such as colorectal cancer and gastric ulcers. Fiber can also help to maximize nutrient intake and aid in weight loss efforts, since your digestive system will be working at optimal levels.
  • Heart Health: The fiber found in damson plums is also an excellent way to reduce excess cholesterol, as fiber can scrape “bad” cholesterol from the system and eliminate it from the body, thereby helping to maintain a proper cholesterol balance in the body. Furthermore, the high level of potassium in damson plums acts as a vasodilator, relaxing the tension on blood vessels and reducing the strain on the cardiovascular system.
  • Energy Levels: The significant levels of copper and iron found in damson plums make them great fruits for improving your circulatory system and boosting your RBC count. Anemia (iron deficiency) can be a major health concern, but copper and iron are two vital components of red blood cells and can keep your circulation at peak levels, energizing the body and ensuring proper oxygenation of the body.
  • Cancer Prevention: Certain research studies on damson plums have shown that the phytonutrients present in the skin and in the natural coloring of the fruit can prevent or even reverse development of breast cancer cells. As this is the most critical form of cancer for women, adding some damson plums to your plate is never a bad idea!
  • Sleeping Aid: Historically, damson plums have been praised for their ability to deliver a solid night of restful sleep. This is likely due to the high concentration of magnesium and vitamin C, both of which help to regulate sleep, but people still use damson plums as regulatory sleep aids when you simply aren’t getting enough rest.
  • Immune System: The high level of vitamin C in damson plums makes it a very effective booster for your immune system, as vitamin C is one of the main lines of defense against illness, and also stimulates the production of white blood cells by the immune system to scour the body and keep it healthy.
  • Bone Health: The optimal combination of minerals found in damson plums, including manganese, copper, iron, and phosphorous make it important for bone health as well, given that those minerals contribute to bone mineral density and the prevention of osteoporosis.
