Seed Cycling

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Special Precautions of Seed Cycling

Seed Cycling Program For Women

Start seed cycling on the first day of your menstrual cycle. If your cycle isn’t regular or you don’t have a cycle, use the days corresponding to the phases of the moon. It has been studied that the female menstrual cycle and phases of the moon correspond so this is a way to gage it if your cycle isn’t regular.

From Day 1-14 of the menstrual cycle (or new moon to full moon)

  • 1 Tbs. per day of ground flax seeds
  • 1 Tbs. per day of ground pumpkin seeds

From Day 15-28 of the menstrual cycle (or from full moon to new moon)

  • 1 Tbs. per day of ground sesame seeds
  • 1 Tbs. per day of ground sunflower seeds

Seed Cycling Program For men

Start seed cycling using the phases of the moon. Men’s seed cycle is the opposite of the women’s

Full moon to new moon

  • 1 Tbs. per day of ground flax
  • 1 Tbs per day of ground pumpkin seeds

New moon to full moon

  • 1 Tbs. per day of ground sesame
  • 1 Tbs. per day of ground sunflower

Health Benefits and uses of Seed Cycling are

Stress, xenoestrogens, toxins, pesticides, processed foods, endocrine disrupting chemicals, not enough sleep and birth control all affect our hormones. Imbalanced hormones can wreak havoc on our lives.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

  • PMS symptoms
  • low sex drive
  • infertility
  • fatigue
  • mood swings
  • depression
  • excess abdominal fat
  • sleep issues
  • thyroid disorders
  • adrenal issues
  • insulin resistance
  • PCOS
  • endometriosis
  • excessive sweating
