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Other Names : Olfactothérapie
Olfactotherapy uses smells and vibrations of essential oils to elicit conscious and unconscious memories, to find root of suffering, allows archaic emotions and memory directly connected to the olfactory nerve, to reveal old traumas.

Special Precautions of Olfactotherapy

Olfactotherapy® is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. It is a tool of personal and emotional knowledge that complements a classic clinical approach thanks to olfaction. Be sure to also consult a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Health Benefits of Olfactotherapy

Olfactotherapy : 3 marriages First of all, the plan of the plant and human kingdom : The plant world has finished its evolution, it has acquired a kind of lasting harmonious perfection. This is not the same with the human kingdom. Essential oils are the alchemical concentration of this end-stage of the plant. When man plucks and distills, he is already in the preludes of marriage. Then the union is realized by the olfactory and biochemical message that the oil delivers to the human.

Biochemical, in aromatherapy where the living force of the molecules intervenes directly in the organism of the man to look after him physically. Olfactory, in Olfactotherapy® where the harmony of the odor of oils informs the vibration of our cells to treat us psychically and spiritually. These aromas reflect here the perfection of Creation to remind us that we are part of it. In this sense the sense of smell and the world of effluvia connect us with the sublimated part of our Being; the one who knows from all eternity that health rhymes with happiness. The marriage of the vegetable and human kingdom thus presides over the reconciliation between the body and the soul, between the human and the divine ...

Olfactotherapy® initiates a marriage on another level: that of an individual with its history. The symptoms of the present illustrate how everyone cuts or gets drunk from his past. In the flight or the neurotic repetition of our traumas, our congested psyche can only be bad.

The strong power of evoking odors brings us back to the origin of suffering; to revive it, to pacify it, thanks to the vibratory message of the oil and the empathic presence of the Olfactotherapist in order to understand its meaning ... in short, treat it so that the management of the trauma of yesteryear is no longer pathological 'hui. The marriage of a man with his history is therefore to use Olfactotherapy® to rely on his past for the purpose of healing the present, also a guarantee of a healthier relationship with others.

Finally, the third marriage is that of man with himself. In his various contradictions and apparent errors, man suffers from tensions and tears. Olfactotherapy® reconciles the different poles of the sub-personalities that animate it. Each odor of oil accompanies the individual in the exploration of a precise polarity, of an essential question; It helps him to accept duality, in order to synthesize it and not to suffer any more. The marriage of man with himself is the internal and general harmony of the seven major vibrational symbolic stages that animate it.

3 weddings ... and what funeral? The one of fear, simply

