Calcium Sulphate

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Other Names : CALC SULPH (D6), Calcarea Sulphurica
One of the 12 Dr. Schussler Salts (Biochemical Therapy) : The cleansing process, Cell Healer and Blood Purifer salt.


In the tissues of skin, blood and mucous membranes.


Causes slow healing of wounds, excessive formation of pus - catarrh, boils, ulcers, abscesses, pimples. Pus is thick, yellow and sometimes blood-streaked. Mucus, vertigo and pain in forehead. Used for all blood impurity conditions because its action is to clean the body of non-functional, decaying organic matter accumulating in the body.


Worse from getting wet, washing or working in water.


  • Anti-inflammatory – Supports the growth of healthy cells.
  • Alterative – Blood purifier.
  • Tissue – All connective tissue conditions and mucous membranes. Slow healing conditions, sore lips, ulcers.
  • Skin – All skin eruptions including Teenage pimples during adolescence, blackheads, abscesses, pustules, carbuncles, herpes blisters and acne.
  • Wound Healing – Promotes wound healing where inflammation or infection is evident. Cleanse the body of all purulent processes and prevents infection of all types. Excellent for use with sores that heal poorly.
  • Injury/Surgery – Promotes all healing including after surgery or an injury. May also be used ‘after a birth’ if stiches were required.
  • Lymphatics – Swollen glands.
  • Liver – Tonic for the liver, blood cleanser and has a general detoxifying effect on the liver.
  • Respiratory - Chronic respiratory infections.
  • Headaches – Frontal and neuralgia.
  • Emotional – Sensitivity of nerves, weakened memory.