Yin Qiao San

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Other Names : 银翘散, Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder, Lonicera and Forsythia Combination, Powder of Lonicera and Forsythia


  • Disperses Wind-Heat
  • Cools Heat
  • Relieves toxicity


  • Jin Yin Hua: Flos Lonicerae : 9-30g Disperses Wind, clears Heat and relieves toxicity.
  • Lian Qiao : Fr. Forsythiae : 9-30g : Disperses Wind, clears Heat and relieves toxicity.
  • Jie Geng : Rx. Platycodi : 3-12g : Disperses the Lungs, stops cough, resolves Phlegm and descends Qi.
    • With Gan Cao, for hoarseness and throat swelling and pain due to Wind-Heat Attacks the Lungs.
  • Niu Bang Zi : Fr. Arctii : 6-12g : Disperses Wind-Heat, benefits the throat, relieves Heat and toxins, and spreads Lung Qi.
    • With Bo He, for sores due to Wind-Heat, dry throat, cough with yellow sputum, incomplete expression of measles or pruritic rash.
    • With Jie Geng and Bo He, and Jing Jie, for throat inflammation and productive cough due to Wind-Heat Attacks the Lungs.
    • With Jin Yin Hua, Bo He, Lian Qiao, and Jie Geng, for Sore throat caused by a febrile disorder or Wind-Heat.
  • Bo He : Hb. Menthae : 3-6g : Relieves Wind-Heat and benefits the throat.
  • Dan Dou Chi : Sm. Sojae Preparata : 3-15g : Relieves the exterior.
  • Dan Zhu Ye : Hb. Lophatheri : 3-10g : Generates Fluids, alleviates thirst and clears Heat.
  • Jing Jie : Hb. Schizonepetae : 3-9g : Relieves the exterior.
  • Lu Gen : Rz. Phragmitis : 6-30g : Generates Fluids, alleviates thirst and clears Lung Heat.
  • Gan Cao : Rx. Glycyrrhizae : 3-6g : Harmonizes, generates Fluids, alleviates thirst, moistens the Lungs, resolves Phlegm, stops cough and clears Heat.
    • With Jie Geng, for a sore throat in which the throat is not very red.
    • With Jin Yin Hua, for damp rashes or acne.
    • With Niu Bang Zi, strongly clears throat and Lungs to treat Wind-Heat Attacks the Lungs or Fire toxin flaring upwards.